Chapter 24: Atlas Bound

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Ozpin's words struck everyone in different ways. "Hikari. I gotta put you down.... Doom would of heard that... I've gotta go find him and quick!!!" Nate said. "That's alright!" Hikari said, "Don't worry, Nate. I've got him" Kurai gave Nate a thumbs up and he slung Hikari's arm over his shoulders. "Moving? Are you fucking kidding? We only just got here and now were going again?!" Alizarin shouted, "You are really hurt Nate! You can't keep doing this..." Tinuviel tried to stop Nate, "He's my friend! Friends help each other! I'd rather not go to pack up my shit and go to Atlas to find it destroyed by Doom!" Nate said, then ran after Doom.  Pickles, Honey and Jessica ran after Nate to go control Doom.

Major arguments fell over the entire room, many students arguing over why everyone suddenly had to move. "Now now students, settle down. The reason we're going is because the school isn't safe for so many of you anymore. We have to go while the school goes on repair for a while." Ozpin explained, "For how long are we going sir?" Amarillo asked, "Anywhere from a few weeks, to a few months. We don't know the extent of the damage the school received during the war." Ozpin said. "Great... I don't know my way around Atlas..." Jojo frowned, "I do..." Bernie was physically shaking and panicking, "Don't worry, Atlas isn't that big. Well actually... I don't know how big it really is, there are many places off limits to us students." Marinette said, "Don't worry Bernie... I'll protect you" Guts said. "Thank you..." Bernadetta said, "It'll be okay guys, we won't hurt you, just stay clear of Ironwood." Kana said, "It's not him we are worried about..." Jojo said. Bernie clung to Guts' leg, hiding behind him as she tried to calm her shivering and sobbing.

"Period 6 and the Sparring Training session is cancelled to give you guys a couple hours to pack ABSOLUTLEY EVERYTHING. You won't be able to come back for anything until we return." Ozpin stated. "Welp... Here we go.." Tinuviel said. "Ugh... first day of the transfer and everything has already gone to shit" Hikari said, "Woah. Hikari, watch your fucking language!" Kurai shouted, "Fuuuuuuuuuck! We just got here!!" Jojo groaned, "I doubt shit like this goes on at your school" Kurai said.

"Please calmly exit and head to your dormitories. We've placed suitcases with your name, team, and emblem inside, find yours and place EVERYTHING into it, don't worry, they will fit everything, trust me. Once you've packed, head to the front gate, there will be airships ready to take you to Atlas." Ozpin finished and dismissed everyone. Everyone headed to their dorms and began packing. As Team ASRN opened the door to their dorm, someone was sitting on a bed inside. "Hey guys, did you miss me?"

Nate rushes in, "Hey bud! Glad you're feeling better but I gotta pack my shit and go asap!" Nate rushed around the room to pack everything. "Hikari, I gotta head back to my dorm. You alright to walk yourself?" Kurai asked, "Yeah, I'll be okay! Thanks, Kurai!" Hikari smiled, "Right, be back later then!" Kurai ran out, "I don't mean to be in a hurry, but Doom won't be calm for long" Nate said. "How big are these bags? Are we going to be able to carry them?" Akira asked, "I think they have wheels Akira" Charcoal said, "Oh, that makes sense" Akira said. Link walked by Team ASRN's dorm, "Hey Hikari, how's the packing going?" he asked, "Ah! Oh um, it's going good!" Hikari was very obviously blushing at that moment. 

"I finished packing already, I don't have very much" Link laughed, "I'm waiting for the rest of my team to finish so we can go." "Well, I'm glad that you came to see me" Hikari laughed softly. "Why wouldn't I? I couldn't stand to not see your gorgeous face..." Link smiled. "I..." Hikari tried and failed to hide his blushing, "Shuddup!!" he said. "Hurry up Link! We have to go!" Ren shouted, "Coming!" Link turned to Hikari, "I'll see you in Atlas" he gave Hikari a small kiss on the cheek. "Aww, that's so sweet!" Cobalt swooned to Hikari. "It's a shame how oblivious Hikari is to the obvious crush Link has for him" Akira said. Due to being kissed, Hikari had shut down. "Great. He's broken." Charcoal said. 

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