Chapter 4: The Year's End

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Doctor Sung walked to the front of the stage and shouted "Hey dudes! Whatcha think of the show?!" He shouted with his hands in the air. There were many cheers, especially from Bunji and Shizue. "Thanks dudettes!" Commander Meouch did finger guns towards them, Shizue cheered louder, "I like you dudette, what's your name?" Commander Meouch asked while walking closer towards Shizue. "Shizue! Shizue Currosin!" She said. "Such a cute name for such a cute gal" Meouch winked at Shizue and she blushed brightly. "You are such a ladies man Meouch!" Danny Sexbang laughed. Bunji rolled her eyes and looked at Shizue, "Are you seriously blushing over Mr. Womaniser?" She asked, "I'll have you know, I am not a womaniser. I 100% respect women and I'm loyal. Meouch retaliated, Bunji rolled her eyes. "I can vouch for him, He wouldn't be my friend otherwise" Nate said while crossing her arms. "Fine, but I have my reasons for being weary of people" Bunji crossed her arms too, "Bunji, it's fine, really! I don't think he'd be alive if he didn't!" Shizue said, "That's right, Nate would've killed me otherwise!" Meouch nervously laughed "I don't doubt that one bit!" Shizue laughed too. 

"Well I guess we should stop talking and continue to party!" Meouch yelled and chucked his hands in the air, the rest of team SSHMPN started dancing but Havve and Brian just walked away from their embarrassing team members. Nate rolled her eyes at them and smiled a little bit. "Oh lord, they dance worse than Tin!" Akira said while chuckling. "I'll have you know my dancing gets me all the ladies!" Doctor Sung said as he hip thrusted the air. Shizue squealed louder and Bunji rolled her eyes again, "Of course." She said. Nate can't look away from Sung hip thrusting. They made eye contact and Sung moved closer to Nate. Nate just blushed, not knowing what to do; Does she tell him to stop or just see what happens?

 Shizue nudged Nate and giggled "I think he likes you" she then winked at her. Cobalt struggled to not laugh. Nate looked down at Shizue. "Oh god!" she blushed even more. "Don't tell anyone I blushed over this cone-headed loser..." Nate said to Shizue "Trust me, I won't" Shizue said. Sung was still slowly getting closer, changing up his dance moves. "Why is this loser's dance moves working on me?" Nate said quietly to herself, but Shizue heard her "Maybe you like him" Shizue said. "OH GOD NO! Not in a million years! He's just my friend. Our personalities are too different anyway!" Nate looked at Shizue, blushing even more.

Shizue jumped in fear from Nate suddenly raising her voice. Sung was finally in front of Nate, still dancing. "Sung! Stop that! You're so embarrassing!" Nate turned away and hid her face with her hand. "I've always embarrassed you. I ain't stopping until you dance with me 'hot stuff'!" Sung winked and seductively wiggled his hips in circles. "Oh lord." Bunji face palms and starts to walk back over to the punch bowl "Bunji! Come back!" Shizue said "Hot stuff?! Don't CALL ME THAT! YOU CONE-HEADED FUCKER!" Nate yelled at Sung. "I love it when you're feisty, babes" Sung blew Nate a kiss while seductively dancing again. "Nate, calm your shit. He's TRYING to make you mad at this point." Kyuu said, "I know he is. I've known him for years... He always shit stirs me..." Nate looked at Kyuu then back at Sung. "If I dance with you will you leave me alone freak!?" Nate asked. "Okay, that was a little harsh." Kyuu said.

"I know, he knows I'm joking. I've been called a freak my whole life." Nate said to Kyuu, "So have I. That's why I don't like hearing people call others that." Kyuu said, "It's okay uh... Kyuu. I know she doesn't mean it. And yes Natasha, I will you alone if you dance with me. But I know you'll dance with me for the rest of the night therefore I can't leave you alone" Sung winks as he grabs her be the hips and brings her closer to him. "I'm so glad we are the same height otherwise this would be awkward!" Sung looked deep into Nate's eyes. Nate just sighed and rolled her eyes, "Get a load of those two" Akira said to Tin while pointing at Sung and Nate. "What on earth! Those two look like polar opposites!?" Tinuviel laughed. Kyuu giggled softly as she watched Nate and Sung dancing, together before sighing. The rest of SSHMPN also laughed in enjoyment at Nate and Sung dancing. They had never seen Nate dance before.

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