Chapter 44: The Decision

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Sung couldn't believe he was hearing Nate's voice, even if it was very strained, "Na... Nate!? You're awake!?" his face lit up. Meouch turned to Akira, "Haven't seen him this happy in years" he whispered, "Really? Sung always seems like a pretty happy chap" Akira responded, "That's true, but he's talking to the love of his life" Phobos chuckled, "No, I'm talking to you whilst asleep" Nate said sarcastically through the scroll, "Nice to see you're still the same old sarcastic Natasha that I lo... Know! That I know...!" Sung's face went bright red, "Were you... about to say that you love me?" Nate said softly; which was out of character for her. "Uh... No...? Maybe...? Kind of...?" Sung stammered.

Havve took the scroll off Sung, "Yes Nate, he loves you. He doesn't shut up about you. And I know you love him too so just fucking admit it, both of you!" he handed the scroll back to Sung and acted like he didn't just speak, "Can we uh... not snatch my scroll back and forth from each other...? It was expensive..." Hikari frowned, "WAIT, HAVVE CAN TALK?!" Shizue was in total shock, "And he said basically what Nate said to Hikari and I in Atlas" Link said, appearing out of nowhere. Havve shook his head no; Implying that everyone should pretend they heard nothing. Hikari made a lips sealed motion to Havve and smiled. "That's so rude that you can actually talk! Your silence always scares the crap out of me!" Cobalt frowned at Havve who winked at Hikari then just stared at Cobalt intently.

"Blake... Why didn't you just tell me in person?" Nate asked, "I really wanted to, I didn't want to ruin our friendship in case you didn't feel the same... And now you're injured and I thought... I thought you weren't going to make it and the thought of losing you is killing me and I just..." Sung started to explain, but was cut off by Nate, "Blake, I love you... But stop being so fucking weird about it... Or I'll kill you when I get home" she smiled although Sung couldn't see it, but he somehow knew, "I... Love you too..." he whispered into the scroll so no one could hear him; Or so he thought...

"I heard that! You said you loved her!" Meouch said in a sing-song way. "Meouch, c'mon, don't make fun of them. It takes a lot of courage to admit you love someone" Hikari said, "Yeah Meech, you can't talk" Danny smirked, Meouch blushed, "I... Have no clue what you're on about" he looked up to the sky. "Anyway, I'll be home like tomorrow. The doctors want to keep me here for like two more weeks but you and I know that's not gonna fucking happen. I need to be home, mainly for Hikari... I know he's struggling without me... So you better give him his scroll back... I'll call you tonight okay?" Nate said, "You need to heal, and if it takes two weeks, then it takes two weeks. Don't push yourself... And yeah, of course, talk later" Sung handed Hikari his scroll back, "Nate wants to talk to you" he said.

"Oh, thank you" Hikari smiled as he took his scroll back and stood up, walking away from the group to talk to Nate, "Sung said you wanted to talk to me?" he asked, "Yes I do... How are you holding up? I heard you haven't been yourself lately... Not that I care obviously..." Nate said; She was trying to act like she normally would so Hikari would know she's okay. "I... I guess I haven't been myself... I just... I don't like when the people I care about get hurt, especially you and Tin and Kurai... cause you three are like my family... well, Kurai literally is, but you get what I mean..." Hikari explained, "I understand... But I promise I'm okay... I don't look or sound it, but I am. I'm a very tough cookie, and... Don't tell anyone but... You're my family too... But seriously don't tell anyone..." Nate explained, "It's okay, I may ramble a whole lot... but I know how to keep a secret" Hikari said, "I just don't want everyone to think I've gone all soft because I'm injured... Cause I'm not soft and delicate" Nate said, "I understand" Hikari smiled so brightly, Nate could almost feel it. "Okay well I have to go, they need to check all my wounds... And check my left eye... I'm sure it's fine..." Nate said. 

Just then, a doctor walked into Nate's room, "Okay, unfortunately we have some slightly bad news..." they started, "Hang on one second, I need to hang up... I'll talk to you later Hikari..." Nate quickly hung up. "Okay..." Hikari sighed as he walked back to the group, "Hikari? What's the matter? Is Nate okay?" Akira asked, "Yeah, she's okay" Hikari said, "I don't believe you... What's happened...?" Charcoal said quietly, "It's nothing, don't worry about it" Hikari responded, "Somethings wrong... We can tell..." Tinuviel said, "Yeah, you can tell us, it's okay" Link added, "Guys, really... it's fine" Hikari said with a slight firmness. "Okay okay, we'll drop it... Looks like someone will have to call her and make sure she's okay then" Tinuviel said. "Can you tell me at least Hikari?" Sung asked quietly, Hikari nodded, "Yeah, I can, now or...?" he was cut off by Sung, "Whenever suits you. I don't want to push you, if you need some time that's fine" he said, "Yeah, of course. Will do" Hikari said, "No worries at all" Sung said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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