The last member

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-Meliodas POV-

Ban and King stood at the door. Not happy at all. In fact, I never seen them this serious before.

"We have heard about everything you have done to Elizabeth." King said.

"From school to now." Ban continued.

"We are so disappointed in you Captain." King said. Looking down at the ground, I felt disappointed in myself.

"I know. I was stupid, idiotic, foolish, a jerk, dumb, everything you could imagine." I said, not even able to look my buddies in the eyes.

"But-" King said. Ban continued with saying "You got your woman and a kid."

"Yeah, you have a family now and I am sure you have learned after your mistakes. After all, she fell in love with you for a reason." King said, making me be able to look them in the eyes.

They was smiling at me and I smiled back.

"Go back to your woman now, you bastard." Ban said. I nodded and did as told. Elizabeth was with Tristan, talking happily and Elaine had already left.

"Hey, why don't we go back to the castle? I mean, if not you want to live here instead?" I said. Elizabeth looked at Tristan.

"I want to live here. That prince thing is not my thing. Besides, then you two don't need to be interrupted when doing your dirty stuff." Tristan said, making our faces go red.

"W-what do y-you mean, d-dear? D-dirty stuff?" Elizabeth asked. Tristan answered with "Making children. Oh, can you make a girl? I want a baby sister!"

"W-where h-have you learned a-about that?" I asked. He shrugged and simply said "I saw it on the advertising when I was going to look at teletubbies. You two was already asleep."

"W-we, I-I don't know what to say." I said and walked up to sit beside them in the couch.

"Please forget it." Elizabeth said. Tristan said "Impossible! I want a babysitter. Please, could you make one?"

"Meliodas, please tell me this is a dream." Elizabeth said.

"N-no, I-it's n-not." I said and Elizabeth passed out.

"Mommy passed out." Tristan said while I tried to wake her up.

-Elizabeth's POV-.

I laid down in bed beside Meliodas. It was some hours ago I woke up after passing out and I am still shocked Tristan know all that.

It was silent, Tristan have already fallen asleep.

"M-Meliodas?" I asked. He hummed in response and looked at me.

"D-do you t-think this will change T-Tristan i-in a bad way?" I asked. He leaned in and kissed me.

"We will know in the future." He said. I nodded and snuggled in his chest. He took his arms around me. We laid there some minutes, I was about to fall asleep when I felt I needed to throw up.

As fast as possible, I jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet. I saw Meliodas worried and confused face when I did that.

When I was at the toilet, I throw up pretty much. Meliodas come and held up my hair just a second later. When I was done, he helped me back to bed.

"Are you sick? How do you feel?" Meliodas asked and pulled me close to him.

"I-I don't know. I don't feel sick, but very tired." I said. He said "Go to sleep then" and pulled me closer in his warm embrace.

The next day, I woke up with the door opening and Meliodas walking in with breakfast. I smiled as I saw a fruit salad and pancakes.

"Here you have. You may not believe it, but I actually learned to cook those four years you was gone. Thank Ban for that." Meliodas said and gave me the plate. Smiling, I took the fruit salad and started eating it.

"You are the best." I said. He was about to speak when I ran up to throw up again. He ran after immediately, holding my hair away.

"We really need to know what is happening." Meliodas said and I nodded. Then we walked back to the room. I eat some of the fruit salad, but only the watermelon and strawberry bites.

"Is that really all you will eat?" Meliodas asked.

"I don't feel for anything else. Even if I love all this." I said. He looked confused until I asked "Where is Tristan?"

"He is still 'sleeping'. He thinks that if he sleeps long enough, we will make a little sister to him." Meliodas said and chuckled a bit while I giggled.

"He really wants one." I said, Meliodas nodded. Then I rubbed my eye, I felt sleepy.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and said "Just tired."

"Wait here, I will come back soon. Take a nap in the meanwhile." Meliodas said and walked out of the room. I did as told and fell asleep again.

Meliodas was shaking me awake.

"Morning sleeping beauty. I come to think of this. We never knew what happened to you when you was kidnapped. Everything says that you could be- it's just a trought, but just to be sure. Take this." He said and gave me a pregnancy test. I nodded and walked out of the room, taking it.

Meliodas was waiting outside the bathroom while I walked out of there.

"So, what does it say?" He asked. I showed him the test. He had a poker face. Then he walked to me, taking a arm around my waist and rubbing my stomach with the other hand.

"I'm so angry he did that to you, but... I'm happy we will have another child. He will be treated as good as Tristan, even if he isn't really related to me by blood, he is still my child." Meliodas said. I smiled and kissed him.

"You are the best father ever." I said.

"And you are the best mother ever." Meliodas said.

"Yay! I will have a sibling!" Yelling was heard from Tristan's room, making us giggle.

We will have a happy future ahead of us.


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