Meet again after so long

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-Elizabeth's POV-

It has been a year since I moved, but I can't forget about what Meliodas did. I even got on therapy, but it didn't help.

Under the years, I have seen Tristan walk his first step and tell his first sentence. I have talked to Diane and Elaine every day in calls and texts. Tristan even started in kindergarten. He is so happy every day and have many friends. I have too and talk to Margaret much.

-Meliodas POV-

It has been a whole year since I saw Elizabeth and Tristan. I am so worried about them. Every day, I am going back to the human realm to look after them. I always look in their house, places I have seen her in and that new house she was in with Tristan.

No one believes I will ever find her. They think I should move on, but I don't listen. I have everything ready for when I find them. A room to Tristan. Clothes to both and other things. Tristan's room is full of toys. Everything that is needed.

-Elizabeth's POV-

It has been two years now. I still is going on therapy. Tristan is able to speak much and all. Everything is good. I am slowly moving on from what Meliodas did, but I will never forget.

I have started working too and I am looking for a boyfriend. I haven't found one yet, but I hope I will. Someone who cares about me and love me and someone I can do the same with. Then it is the most important thing in the boyfriend, he need to love Tristan.

-Meliodas POV-

I am still looking for her every day. Every day, I get more worried. Every day, I miss her more. Every day, I regret what I did to her. I have been informed of that when i find my lover, new or Elizabeth. I will be crown king as she be crown queen.

-Elizabeth's POV-

It's three years ago I moved here. I can't forget about Meliodas, but I have moved on as much as I can. I have stopped with therapy. I have started thinking about moving back into my old house with Tristan. Live there by myself with Tristan of course.

He need to know about where he was born and I miss Diane and Elaine really much.

-Meliodas POV-

I have started thinking if I will ever find her again. I am still looking for her every day and will continue until I find her, but still. Father is even getting a little annoyed with me. Everything is still ready for them coming back.

I just can't wait to see how Elizabeth will be like and how she has grown. I would have liked to see Tristan grow up, but I hope he is happy.

-Elizabeth's POV-

It's been four years since I moved here. I am 20 years old. Tristan is 4 years old. I have decided to move back. Meliodas can't be looking for me still and I want to see my two best friends in the world. I have texted them every day, but still.

"Bye father, I will miss you. Love you!" I said.

"You will really go?" Father asked. I nodded.

"Grandpa!" Tristan yelled and hugged father's legs.

"Tristan, be a good boy." Father said.

"I will!" Tristan said and stopped hugging father.

"Ready?" I asked Tristan. He nodded and ran out to the car.

"Bye father." I said a last time.

"If something happens, call me." Father said.

"I will!" I said and walked to the car where Tristan was waiting on me. We both hoped in the car and started driving our way back to my child hood home.

When arriving, I saw that it was clean everywhere. Like someone had been here and cleaned up. I just didn't pay it to my mind when Tristan ran upstairs to look around.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour!" I yelled to Tristan.

"Okay!" Tristan yelled back while I walked and started cooking.

When we had ate, I started texting Diane and Elaine. We decided to meet up in the park to hang out and Tristan could play.

"Tristan, tomorrow we will go to the park and play. Okay?" I said.

"Yay! The park!" Tristan yelled.

"But you need to go to sleep now." I said, it was pretty late.

"Why?!" Tristan asked.

"Because you don't have the strength to play tomorrow if you don't sleep." I said. When I said that, he ran up upstairs the same second. I started giggling and fixing some things.

When I was done, I got to bed too.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!" Tristan yelled at me. I got up.

"We need to go to the park!" He said excited.

"Okay, get ready!" I said. He gladly did that as I did too. Then we walked to the park just to be meet by my two old friends and two old classmates that I was shocked to see.

"Hey Elizabeth!" Elaine said.

"Elizabeth!" Diane said.

"Hey, Diane! Hey Elaine, Ban, King." I said.

"Sup." Ban said.

"Hello." King said.

"So who is this?" Diane asked, pointing at Tristan.

"Guys, this is Tristan." I said.

"He is so cute!" Elaine said.

"How old is he?" King asked.

"4 years." I answered.

"Who's kid is it?" Ban asked.

"My kid." I answered. Both Ban and King looked at me in disbelief.

"Your and?" King asked.

"Oh, I would like if I don't need to talk about him" I said. They all nodded in understanding.

"Mommy! I wanna play!" Tristan said.

"If you are here with me, we can eat icecream after." I said.

"ICECREAM!" He shouted. It made everyone laugh.

"So, when did you all become friends?" I asked.

"We are more then friends." Diane said.

"Wait, you two are their boyfriends?!" I asked in disbelief. They all nodded. Then we walked to sit down on a bench. We talked in about three hours. I let Tristan go and play in the meanwhile.

When the others needed to go, I got Tristan and we walked to the icecream shop.

-Meliodas POV-

I walked to Elizabeth's old house like always, when, I saw some things was moved. It wasn't like I left it yesterday. It made me suspicious and I sat down on the couch. I wanted to know who did it. So I waited.

About 20 minutes later. The door opened and a kid ran in. He had one green eye and one blue, his hair was the same colour as Elizabeth's. I could only think of one name.


Tristan stopped running when he saw me and just looked at me.

"Who are you?" He asked.

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