Last night

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-Elizabeth's POV-

It hurt. It was most at my legs it hurt and a little in my head. I just don't understand. How? How is it possible that it hurts more inside me? I don't remember anything from last night except me and Meliodas kissing each other. I had looked at my phone. Drank some water and then Meliodas kissed me. After that, I don't remember anything.

I looked around and saw Meliodas sleeping next to me. He had his legs and arms wrapped around me. It was then I noticed he was shirtless. I tried to sit up, but couldn't. I looked around for more details of what can have happened last night. Then i heard a voice.

"Good morning Elizabeth! How was last night?" Meliodas asked, letting me go. I sat up and first then, I saw that I was shirtless as well with my breast showing. I took off the blanket to see that my whole body was naked and accidentally saw that Meliodas was too.

"W-What happened?!" I asked.

"We kissed, then we took a brake and drank water. The  we continued to kiss." Meliodas answered.

"Why are we naked?!" I asked.

"And why do my body hurt?!" I asked.

"What was it that happened last night?!" I asked, more and more questions filling my mind. Then I felt someone on top of me and I got pinned to the bed. Then he started kissing me.

"Did you like last night?" Meliodas asked.

"I don't even know what happened!" I said.

"Want me to show you?" He asked. What do he mean?

"What do you mean?!" I asked.

"I take that as a yes." Meliodas said. Then he started to kiss my neck.

"S-stop that!" I said and he stopped. He sat on top of me, sitting on my private place, where it hurts the most.

"Answer me! What happened last night?!" I asked.

"Like I said, I can show you. It is much more easier and more pleasant." Meliodas answered.

"No! Tell me!" I said.

"Okay, then. After you drank your water, we got in for our third round with kisses. I pinned you to the bed as we kissed and then we had sex." Meliodas said.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. Meliodas nodded, then come closer to me.

"And you was really good at it. Your moans, your voice, your kisses, your body, your everything was perfect. It's like you have done it thousands of times before." Meliodas whispered to me. My face heated up.

"I loved it. It was the best feeling I ever felt." He said.

"What?!" I asked. So that's why my private place hurts the most, but why don't I remember anything and why does my head hurt?

"But I would never agree to have 'it' if I wasn't myself. YOU DRUGGED ME! MADE ME DRUNK! THAT'S WHY THE WATER YESTERDAY TASTED UNFAMILIAR!" I yelled at him.

"Why do you think that? I love you. I would do anything for you." Meliodas said. Still on top of me.

"And where is my father?!" I yelled.

"He's not here. I was thinking that it would be a problem if he come back when we did 'it', but he never come. Just leaving you alone with me." Meliodas said. Then he started kissing me, up and down by my neck. I tried to get him of off me, but he insisted took my waist and held them beside my head on the bed.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I asked, starting crying. He let me sit up as he still sat on my private place. I know he do it on purpose.

"Get of off me!" I said.

"No, listen to me. You are my future wife and that's it. You will be able to decide some things for yourself, but I am the boss, you understand? I really do love you. Your personality, your body, everything about you, but as the demon prince, the heir to the throne. I need a wife as soon as possible to rule the demons with me. You will be the one doing it with me. So you do as I say. Understand?" Meliodas spoke. I nodded scared. Everyone said that the demons was evil, but I didn't believe them, but now, when I have a demon with me. I believe every word they have told me.

He got of me and walked out of the room. I sat up. It hurt so much. My legs hurt, my private place hurt. Everything hurt. I stood up from bed, trying to walk to my closet, but every step, I shake. Then I fall to the floor, I was about to hit the floor when I felt two arms around me. I knew who's it was and was not happy about it.

He lifted me up and walked back to the bed with me. He placed me down and got behind me. Then started to maszage my shoulders. It made me relax a little. Then he moved his hands from my shoulders to my breast, massaging it inside. It made me feel more relaxed. Then he moved down to my private place and touch there. I didn't have anything against it because it made me relax.

"Like that?" He asked.

"Mmm." Was my response. The  he chuckled.

"Hope I didn't go too hard on you last night." He whispered to me. He continued to touch me softly about 15 minutes, then he stopped.

"Why did you stop?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just picked me up and walked me to the bathroom. Then he placed me in a warm bath. Then he got in as well and sat down and placed me on him.

"W-why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Doing what?" He asked.

"First you pretend you love me like a normal lover. Then pretend you are hurt and hurt me. Then you pretend to be a normal lover again. Then you drug me, did 'it' without my permission. When I woke up, you pretend to be a normal lover again. After that you is like a boss over me and that you are only using me and now this." I explained.

"Well, I really do love you, but I don't really know how I will act. I need you to understand that it is me that decide some things, but that I love you at the same time." Meliodas said.

"Why don't you just say it instead of doing all these things?" I asked.

"I don't know. I really wanted to have 'it' with you, but you won't agree to it. So I needed to drug you. I still love you and I really am getting hurt when you say that you hate me and things like that. I just never want you to leave me." He said.

"But it's not okay to drug me and do 'it' with me without my permission." I said.

"I know and I will always ask you for permission in the future. Okay?" He said. I nodded.

"When we talk about that. Do you want to know how it feel? The pleasure, kisses, to get me inside you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, I don't. I don't want to be pregnant. Did you use protection?!" I asked. He shook his head.

"I want to feel you the right way, enter you and do 'it' the right way." Meliodas answered.

"Did we... umm..?" I asked. He nodded.

"That was the best part." He said. I got a little sad. That mean that I could be pregnant just now!

"Hey, don't worry about it. You will be okay. I will take you to the demon realm tomorrow. You need to say your goodbyes today. Okay?" Meliodas asked.

"What?!" I asked in disbelief. He nodded.

"We are going to the demon realm. Our new home." Meliodas said.

I can't believe it. The demon realm?!

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