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-Meliodas POV-

"Why are you saying that?! I want to stay!" Elizabeth said.

"You can't, we will go tomorrow." I said, trying to get her to understand.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I need to take care of you. You are my queen now and I will treat you as one." I said, kissing her neck.

"Stop kissing me! I want answers!" She said. I stood up from the bath, holding Elizabeth in my arms and walked back to bed with her. I placed her on bed and walked behind her again and started massaging her.

"Ask me a question and I will try to answer it." I said massaging her shoulder.

"W-why me?" Elizabeth asked. I got confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Still massaging.

"Why is it me? Why do you like me? Why not one of those popular girls at school?" Elizabeth asked.

"Why would I like those spoiled brats? They are just clinging and annoying. You are kind, beautiful, cute, everything anyone want in a women." I answered. Then I moved down to massaging her breast.

"Why do we need to go to the demon realm?" She asked.

"Because we are going to rule there. I want you to be comfortable there before we get to be king and queen. Plus, if you are pregnant, I need to take more care of you and it is easier to do it there." I answered.

"Aren't I getting to see my friends or father after this?" She asked.

"Not if they don't come to visit, but I am sure they will." I answered. Then moved down my hands to her waist and started massaging.

"Last night, how hard did you go on me?" She asked.

"Not that hard, why do you ask?" I asked.

"My whole body hurt, exactly my private place." She said. I felt bad about her.

"Hey, rest a little. I will come back soon with some things that can make it better, okay?" I asked. She laid down while I walked out of bed and took on some clothes. Then I walked out of her house to the shop.

When I come there. I brought some chocolate, tea and berries. Just to make her feel better. Then I walked in another store and bought pillows that you will warm up and a medicine that you carefully stoke where it hurts. Then I decided to buy a fluffy rabbit teaddy bear.

I walked back to her house and walk in. I walked upstairs to see her asleep. I quickly walked over to her and sat down beside her. Then carefully stroke her cheek.

After about 5 minutes or so starring at her, she wakes up.

"Good morning my princess." I said.

"M-morning." She said.

"How is my princess doing until now?" I asked.

"It just hurts more and more." She said. I kissed her forehead.

"I have some things to help you with that." I said.

"Is it something more?" I asked.

"I feel a little dizzy and ill." She answered.

"That's all?" I asked. She nodded.

"Okay, then I have some things to cheer you up." I said. Then I gave her the teddy bear. Then the chocolate and berries.

"T-thank you v-very much!" She said.

"No problem, my love." I said as I lay down beside her. Touching her everywhere I am able to. She is still naked and I am able to touch her most private places like breast and the private place. So lucky me!

"M-Meliodas! P-please s-stop." Elizabeth said. I decided to go closer to her. It was must easier to move my hand when I did that. Up and down. Down and up.

"M-Meliodas, it still hurts." Elizabeth said. Then I stopped.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Do you want me to do something to you?" I asked. She just shook her head.

"Are you sure? I do anything for you." I whispered the last sentence in her hear. Her face became red so I knew I made her embarrassed.

"I-I am sure." She said. Then I decided to give her her medicine. I sat up, got out of bed and took it. Then I walked back to her.

"This will take away the most pain." I said and showed her the little plastic box. She just nodded as I walked over to her. I took off the blankets of her and slowly and carefully put it where her most parts hurt, so her private place.

I am so glad I can touch her like this. The feeling, touch, her company. Everything drives me crazy. She drives me crazy. I never want to separate from her.

-Elizabeth's POV-

It felt a little better after that medicine, but I am a little embarrassed that he have seen me naked... and touched me like it. His magase is really relaxing.

"M-Meliodas?" I asked while he was lying beside me in the bed. Really, really close.

"Hum?" He responded.

"Do you think you could magase me a little?" I asked. He sat up and so did I.

"Yeah, I can." He said cheerfully and got behind me. Started with my shoulder like normal.

"Mmm." I said. It felt so relaxing. Is it like this to go to a magase place? If it where, I take back everything I said about it before. As Meliodas moved his hands up and down my body, massaging me, he asked me one thing.

"Elizabeth? Do you love me?" Meliodas asked. I froze for one second.

"W-what?" I asked. He come closer to my ear and whispered.

"Do you love me?" He whispered. I looked down.

"You don't?" He asked, sounding pretty sad.

"I... I don't know. I am angry at you for last night, but this... this feels good. Your touch, voice everything feels good. I have mixed emotions. I am angry at you, but can't stay angry at you. My body hurts, but it feels good too." I tried to explain. Then I felt a hug from the back.

"You know that I will always love you, no matter what. Okay?" Meliodas spoke and kissed my neck. I nodded.

"You should rest. Okay?" Meliodas spoke. I nodded in response and laid down. Then Meliodas took off his clothes and laid beside me. Pulling me up to his chest.

Then I fall asleep, just to see...

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