Still no Elizabeth

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-Meliodas POV-

I walked down the hallway with Tristan. It have been a week and we haven't found Elizabeth. Tristan is following me wherever I go. He is still scared and would cry himself to bed every night. I usually hold him and tried to comfort him as much as possible.

We walked in the dining room and sat down. Zeldris and Gelda was there too. They had gotten used to Tristan, but Gelda was a bit angry at me because of the way I made Elizabeth pregnant.

We sat down and eat. I let Tristan eat whatever he wanted when Elizabeth was gone, just to make him feel a bit better. We was in the middle of breakfast when a guard ran in.

"Prince Meliodas! We have found Elizabeth!" He said. I shot up, and took Tristan in my arms.

"Where is she?!" I asked.

"She just arrived. In the throne room." He said. I nodded and started walking to the throne room with Tristan in my arms.

When we arrived, I saw Elizabeth, sleeping in a chair. I let down Tristan and he ran to her immediately. I walked up to her and slowly picked her up and kissed her cheek.

"My lovely Elizabeth. We have been so worried about you." I whispered and pulled her close to me. Then I started walking, Tristan walking beside me to my and Elizabeth's room that have been cleaned.

I laid her on the bed. Tristan hoping up on it after as I sat down beside him and Elizabeth. She slowly moved her head.

"Elizabeth?" I asked.

"Mommy?" Tristan asked. Elizabeth opened her eyes fast and looked at me.

"Meliodas! I was so worried about you!" She said. She was ignoring Tristan.

"Mommy! I missed you!" Tristan said, but was ignored.

"Elizabeth." I said with a smile. She looked at me with a smile too.

"Meliodas? How did I come here?" She asked, her smile brightened a bit.

"We found you and took you here, I have been so worried!" I said and she kissed me. I was surprised. She wouldn't do this. No, she has just forgiven me.

"Eeewww, go to that tree where you should be kissing." Tristan said. Then I got back to the reality and pulled her away.

"You are not Elizabeth!" I said. She looked confused.

"What do you mean my love? Of course I am myself." She said.

"No, come Tristan, don't go near her." I said.

"And who is that boy? Have you been cheating on me?!" She asked.

"You don't even know Tristan! My and Elizabeth's son. Never you could be her!" I said harsh and picked up Tristan on my lap.

"I'm sorry, honey, I just don't remember so much. I hit my head when I was kidnapped." She said.

"Guards!" I yelled as about 4 come in.

"What is it prince Meliodas?" One asked.

"Take out that fake!" I said and pointed at the fake Elizabeth.

"But I really am Elizabeth." She said. Then the guards took her and walked away with her yelling that she is Elizabeth.

"Daddy? What happened to mommy?" Tristan asked. I hugged him a bit tighter.

"That is not mommy. She just pretend. We will find mommy, okay?" I asked. He nodded and hugged me back. Soon, we let go of each other.

"We didn't finish breakfast, are you still hungry?" I asked. He nodded.

"Then let's go back to the dinning room." I said. He nodded and we started walking there. Tristan held my hand the whole way.

Soon, we arrived and ordered what we wanted. Then we sat and eat alone, Zeldris and Gelda had already left.

When we was done, I walked with Tristan outside to the garden.

"Go and play a bit." I said. Tristan walked away slowly with head down. I didn't let him out of my sight in even a millisecond.

He sat down and started playing with one of his toys we always have outside. He didn't look that happy. He was missing Elizabeth.

I walked up to him and sat down beside him.

"Tristan, look-" I was cut off by crying. Picking up Tristan and setting him on my lap, he turned his face to my chest and cried in it. I rubbed his back a bit.

"I know we haven't know each other for that long. Just about two weeks, but I want you to know that I am doing everything I can to get back mommy and will continue to until I find her." I said. He nodded and hugged me.

"Maybe we should go back to your room?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I want to go back to mommy's house." Tristan said.

"Sure." I said and picked him up on my shoulders. Then we started walking the whole way to Elizabeth's house.

On the way, we stopped to take a ice cream.

"What flavour do you want?" I asked.

"Vanilla and chocolate." Tristan said. I nodded.

"Could I get one vanilla and chocolate icecream?" I asked the worker.

"Sure, just a minute." He said and started doing Tristan's icecream. I looked while he was doing it, his hands was red. Blood red.

"Hey, what's that on your hands?" I asked.

"Just painting." He said.

"Why do you have painting on your hands?" I asked.

"Ugh, I was painting the icecream shop." He said.

"But everything is blue pink and green." I said.

"It's because... I haven't done it yet." He said.

"Why are your hands red then?" I asked. He then gave us the icecream.

"Here you have, I am sorry, but I need to go. My shift have ended." He said and walked away.

"Want to follow him?" I asked Tristan while giving him the icecream.

"Yes." Tristan said.

"Let's go." I said and we started following the icecream maker.

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