Never loved

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-Meliodas POV-

"Meliodaaaas. You promised!" She said.

"We will do it when you told me what I want to know! Who did this to you?!" I asked.

"Mael." She said and tried to kiss me. What is this kind of drug that make her act like this?!

"Elizabeth! Stop! I know you don't want this!" I said.

"Yes I do." She said and pulled me in a kiss that I couldn't resist then to kiss back. When we separated, she had gotten on top of me.

"Elizabeth, stop this. It's hard to control myself." I said.

"I don't want you to control yourself." She said and kissed me again. She started to take off my sweater in the kiss.

"Elizabeth. What do you feel towards me?" I asked. I wanted to know. She hasn't said she love me one time since the whole time I known her. I wanted to know.

"Do you love me?" I asked.

"No, I don't. " She said and kissed me again. I didn't kiss back. I didn't give any reaction at all.

"Then why do you live with me?" I asked when she let go.

"Tristan wanted to be with you." Elizabeth said and kissed me again, I didn't give any reaction. This was hard to me.

"So that's it? She do this all just for Tristan? All kisses? Cuddling? Talking? Every second with me? It's just because of Tristan?" I asked and tears started to build in my eyes.

"Yes." She said and kissed me again. This time, I pulled away.

"So you have never loved me?! Not one bit?! Do you even like me?!" I asked.

"No." She said. I pulled her off of me and sat up at the end of the bed. Looking down on the floor while thinking. I felt Elizabeth hug me from the back and kissing my face and neck.

"Stop it, please." I said while crying. I whipped away as many tears I could the whole time, but it was only coming new.

After a while, Elizabeth had stopped and fallen asleep in bed. I looked at her.

How could she? All those times? All kisses? When we cuddled? All that sweet talking? Was it all fake?

Then I heard a knock on the door. Covered Elizabeth's body in a blanket and then walked to open the door.

"Daddy? When can I talk to mommy?" Tristan asked.

"Soon, Tristan, come on, let's go and play." I said. Tristan nodded and we walked to play in the living room. The most I did was just stare at when Tristan played.

"Daddy? Are you okay?" Tristan asked.

"Yes, I am, why do you ask?" I asked.

"You're crying." Tristan said and stood up. It was first then I noticed I was crying. Tristan walked over to me and sat in my lap.

"Don't cry daddy! Mommy will be fine and then we will live happily ever after, like all the stories ends." Tristan said. I hugged him.

"Sure Tristan." I said, but didn't stop crying. Soon, Tristan stood up and whipped away my tears.

"Stop crying daddy! If you cry, then I will also start cry." He said.

"I will try." I said and kissed his cheek. Then I walked to the couch. Tristan come after and sat down beside me.

"Can we look at teletubbies?" Tristan asked.

"Sure." I said and turned on the TV. After a while, or more like 2 hours, Tristan was getting hungry.

"Daddy! I'm hungry!" He said.

"Do you want to go and buy from McDonalds?" I asked. He nodded. I stood up.

"Let's go." I said. We walked to McDonalds and ordered our food. After eating there, we walked back home and continued to look at Teletubbies.

The rest of the day was looking at movies Tristan wanted to look at. At dinner, we just ordered some pizza and then got to bed.

I laid down on the couch to sleep while Tristan laid in his room. Elizabeth still haven't woken up.

Tristan have already fallen asleep, but I couldn't. I was just thinking about w-s hat Elizabeth said. She doesn't even like me one bit. If I... If I just didn't do all those stupid things, then maybe... just maybe she would love me.

It was 1 AM when I fell asleep with those thoughts.

Something was touching me. It was touching my cheek, caressing it. It was so soft. Then I felt a kiss on my forehead and I opened my eyes.

It was dark, but I could see Elizabeth. She was sitting beside me and looked down at me. I turned around to look at the floor.

"Meliodas? Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Why? Why did you do all those things? When- when you don't-" I cut myself off when I started crying.

"Meliodas? Are you okay? What happened?" She asked.

"Why do you act like that?" I asked crying.

"Act like what?" She asked. I sat up, but didn't look at her.

"Why do you act like you love me when you don't?!" I asked. Then I was in a hug while I cried.

"Meliodas, I have no idea what you are talking about. I-I do l-love you." She said.

"No! You don't! If you did, then you would have said that when you was drugged!" I said.

"What are you talking about Meliodas? Drugged?" She asked.

"By that Mael guy! He drugged you! And hurt you! Then- then when we come back here after we found you, you said that-that you don't love me!" I said.

"Meliodas, look at me." Elizabeth said. I did as told and looked at her while she let go of the hug.

"I really do l-love you. I mean it." She said. I looked down on the floor again.

"Sure you do. You don't love me. You aren't able to lie when you are drugged!" I said.

"But I don't remember being drugged." She said.

"You didn't remember anything when I drugged you either!" I said.

"Meliodas, please believe me, I really do love you!" I said.

"I'm sorry Elizabeth, but I can't." I said and walked up to Tristan's room, leaving Elizabeth alone.

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