Need to fix this

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I ran home, up to my room and started crying. What will I do? How will I fix this? What have I done for deserving this? Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I said, still crying. My father come in.

"Elizabeth? How are you feeling?" Father asked.

"I-I- everything is a mess!" I cried.

"What happened?" He asked.

"On the school's website, someone have posted a video about me... about me made M-Meliodas h-heartbroken. Now everyone h-hates me except for Diane and Elaine because he is the most popularest boy in school." I cried.

"Oh, Elizabeth, don't cry. I will..." the doorbell cut my father off.

"I will take this." Father said and walked downstairs. Some minutes later, father come back.

"Elizabeth, it's someone that wants to meet you." Father said on the other side off the door.

"C-come in." I said, thinking it was Diane or Elaine, but no, it was Meliodas. Father left us alone.

"Elizabeth, how are you feeling?" Meliodas asked me as walking to sit beside me on the bed.

"I-I I hate my life." I said. Meliodas handed me a big glass with vanilla icecream and chocolate chips and topping on it.

"Don't think like that. I love you, I really do. Ever since you started in our school, I have." Meliodas said.

"T-thank you." I said and took a bite of the icecream.

"Don't you want ice cream?" I asked.

"No, I eat yesterday." Meliodas answered.

"You sure?" I asked. He just nodded.

"I just want you happy." He said. I kissed his cheek fast.

"Thank you, Meliodas." I said, he lighted up really much. His face grew a big smile, the biggest I ever seen.

"Please, don't let me interfere. I just wonder how my daughter is feeling now." Father said. I jumped of surprise.

"F-father?" I asked.

"I will go now." Father said. I was so embarrassed.

"So Elizabeth, I just wondered. You said that you didn't like me because I have done bad things to people, right?" Meliodas asked. I nodded.

"What I wonder is, what have I done?" Meliodas asked me. I froze when he asked me that. Then I looked at him.

"Diane and Elaine told me some things, but the most horrible was that you mad a couple brake up. They said that they had a friend that liked a boy. Then you and the others showed a photo shopped picture of the boy kissing someone else." I explained.

"Elizabeth, you have got it all wrong." Meliodas started. Then he laid his hand on my leg and slide it up and down the upper bit of my leg.

"The photo was real. We showed her the picture so that she should know that he cheated on her. We didn't want her to be heartbroken, just knowing." Meliodas said while coming closer to me.

"So, Diane and Elaine was wrong?" I asked. Meliodas slowly nodded as he came closer to me. Then I saw him close his eyes while coming closer and closer. I could feel him taking the icecream and placing it on the floor. I slowly got down, making him coming over me. Then I hit the bed. He was just coming closer and closer.

"M-Meliodas?" I asked. He opened his eyes a little.

"Um?" He asked.

"P-please stop." I said.

"You sure? You don't want this?" Meliodas asked me, sounding a little disappointed.

"No, even if I don't hate you, I still don't like-like you." I said. He sat up again, letting me sit up too.

"I am sorry I tried to kiss you, it's just..." He cut himself off.

"Just?" I asked.

"I have liked you for so long. Now when we actually talk, you turn me on every time you just look at me." Meliodas answered. I could only hug him.

"I am so sorry, Meliodas. I hope you can forgive me, but I don't really like to be in relationships." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"It is because... I was in a relationship for about a year ago. He was nice at first, but then... he turned out to be more controlling then I thought." I explained.

"We was dating in nearly a year before I broke up with him." I said.

"Do... Do you still love him?" Meliodas asked. I shook my head.

"No, but after that, I think it I don't want to be in a relationship anymore." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because I am scared, scared that it will happen again." I said.

"Who was it that did that to you?" Meliodas asked.

"A guy named Estarossa." I answered.

"Is he tall? Have white-gray hair?" Meliodas asked. I just nodded.

"But I promise you, I will never do as he did. I will love you every second in the minute, every minute in a hour, every hour in a day, every day in a month, every month in a year and every year in my life, I will love you. Okay?" Meliodas asked. I nodded.

"Okay." I said.

"So, does that mean?" Meliodas asked. I nodded and one second later, I was lying on the bed, him on top of me and kissing. The  we separated for air, but before I could even think about what just happened, he was in with another and another and another.

It actually feels good. Until he starts to move his hands on my waist. Then slowly pulling up my sweater. I pulled it down immediately. He broke the kiss immediately.

"Oh, I am so so so sorry, I didn't mean to ma-" I cut him of.

"It's okay, just don't do it again. Okay?" I said. He nodded, then he had already started with the second round.

After some more kisses, we stop.

"Hey? You thirsty?" He asked. I nodded.

"I will go and make a glass water to you." He said. I nodded. Then I looked at my phone to see what time it is. My school has just ended, so my father should have got to his work now. Meliodas come back with a glass of water and I drank everything at once. When I was done drinking it, I could taste the taste. It wasn't didn't taste like water but I didn't care. I was too thirsty to think about it.

Then Meliodas gave me the third round of kisses, but this time, it was more passionate and at a way, more harder.

The next morning, I woke up. I felt a little dizzy and it hurt on some parts of my body. What I saw next, was I not ready for.

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