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New update! :)


Author's POV

Yangyang woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so he decided to just stay awake. He laid in the bed for a few minutes, playing his phone while making sure not to wake up the others. Getting bored of his phone he decided to take a shower and change into some comfortable clothes. 

He changed into a grey balenciaga sweater with blueish jeans. Since it wasn't a school day he didn't bother to style his hair.  He went downstairs towards the kitchen, feeling a bit hungry. He didn't quite reach the kitchen when he suddenly froze. There on the couch sitting down was a person. 

Hoping that person didn't hear him he quietly and slowly tried leaving but guess luck wasn't on his side. "Don't tell me you're going to leave me here all alone Yangie," Yangyang stopped in his tracks hearing that nickname.

'That nickname…no, it can't be' Yangyang thought, really hoping it wasn't who he thought it was. "W-who are you?" Yangyang asked even though he knew exactly who it was. "Aww did you seriously forget about me," the person said standing up from the couch and turning around. 

Yangyang's breath hitched, his eyes getting teary and body trembling in fear. "Aw look at you already crying, still as pathetic as back then. Did you seriously think you can get away from us? We told you we would find you, and look we were right we found you guys. I'm giving you a warning, you guys better not disappear again, if you do, well say bye to your parents." 

"Now I have to leave, I hope you don't forget what I told you. Don't forget to tell your brother and cousins I'm sure they'll be delighted to hear the news. Bye my beloved," the person said, giving Yanyang a kiss on the forehead before leaving with a sickening smile on his face as he left. 

As soon as the person left Yangyang let out his sobs, curling into a small ball hoping it was all just a nightmare, but he knew it wasn't. It was quiet for some minutes until he heard a familiar voice. "Yangyang?" He heard someone familiar say but he didn't notice. He heard footsteps coming towards him but he didn't dare to look up, sobs still escaping his lips. 

Taeil, who had previously called out Yangyang's name, hurried over to Yangyang and embraced him into his arms. Yangyang felt the familiar embrace of his dad Taeil and hugged back feeling safer. Feeling someone hug him from the other side he knew it was his father Doyoung. 

Yuta and Sicheng stared at them with empathy and quietly went upstairs not wanting to interrupt them. Entering Renjun's room they saw the three of them, Haechan, Chenle, and Renjun, sleeping. 

They smiled seeing them so relaxed and calm, sadly though they had to wake them up. Yuta went to wake up Haechan while Sicheng went to wake up both Chenle and Renjun. "Haechan, wake up your parents are here," Yuta whispered into his ear knowing that would wake him up. 

His assumption was right seeing as Haechan immediately jolted up hearing something about his parents. "What? My parents ate a horse?" Haechan asked dumbfounded, his brain still not awake. 

Yuta stifled a laugh but shook his head, " No, your parents are here and if I were you I would immediately go to them right now." Yuta answered a bit seriously, confusing Heachan but nonetheless he left to see his parents. 

Yuta turned towards both of his sons and smiled fondly seeing their hair all messed up and them trying to keep their eyes open but failing miserably. He sat on the edge of the bed and ruffled both of their hair to make it more messy. Sicheng giggled while both Chenle and Renjun whined. 

"Good morning," Yuta spoke smiling at them. "Morning お母さん," both Chenle and Renjun answered back. "Are you guys feeling better after, you know, yesterday?" Sicheng asked worriedly, he has been feeling worried ever since Yuta told him about what happened. 

They both slightly tensed then slowly relaxed and nodded their heads. "That's good," Yuta started, "now let's go downstairs with the others I'm pretty sure Yangyang has already claimed down." Renjun and Chenle furrowed their brows confused and not knowing what he meant.

They shrugged it off thinking that Yangyang must have been too excited to see their parents, but oh how wrong they were. They were expecting to see them all smiley and happy but they frowned seeing how gloomy they looked. What made them frown even more were Heachans and Yangyang's red and puffy eyes. 

Yuta and Sicheng looked at each other not really knowing what was going on either. "We need to talk," Taeil said, breaking the silence. They nodded and sat on the couch across from them. "So what is it that you want to talk about?" Sicheng asked. "We need to talk about what happened to make Yangyang upset," Doyoung this time answered. 

They nodded also wanting to know what happened. "We still don't know what happened since Yangyang hasn't told us," Taeil said, holding Yangyang's hand in his. Renjun and Chenle ignored what they were saying and just stared at Yangyang, feeling really worried about him. Yangyang noticed this and gave them a small smile, trying to reassure them that he was okay. 

Renjun and Chenle smiled back but they knew he was far from fine. Yangyang hasn't cried in a while and by a while they meant for over 10 months. He along with Haechan always had smiles on their faces and rarely showed their true emotions. 

"Yangyang can you please tell us what happened?" Doyoung asked, curious but mostly concerned. "Umm, well I woke up early and did my morning routine like I would usually do," Yangyang started. "When I was done with my routine I went downstairs since I felt hungry but then I saw someone seated on the couch and I didn't know who it was so I tried leaving but then that person called my name out."

"He-he called by the nickname 'yangie' and there's only one person who has ever called me that. I felt terrified and thought it was just my imagination so I asked who that person was, he turned around and I wished he hadn't. I-it was him, they really did come back and I'm so scared. When he turned around he saw me about to cry and called me p-pathetic. He also threatened me that if we tried to disappear they would no-kill our parents."

 By the time Yangyang finished explaining, he was already sobbing. Taeil hugged him even tighter and so did Haechan. The others were speechless and didn't know what to say. Renjun and Chenle were getting teary eyed at the thought of them coming back and hurting them once  again. 

Yuta noticed this and nudged Suchet who looked at him confused but made a face of realization when he noticed Chenle and Renjun. They both moved and sat next to both Chenle and Renjun and embraced them in their arms. They let them cry knowing they really needed to let out their bottled up emotions. 

The four adults all looked at their sons in worry. They all exchanged looks, having conversations through their eyes. They nodded their head, knowing what they had to do. They would take their sons with them to their home and keep them there for a while. 

They knew this could be risky but having security with them can help them be safer. For school they'll take bodyguards with them to guard them at all times and to keep them safe. Yuta hugged Chenle tighter really hoping this works out well. They'll just have to wait and see what happens, for now they need to concentrate on the present. 


Who do you guys think they are? And what do you think they want from them?

I know I said I was going to update in a few days but school is really tiring and exhausting so I didn't really have much time.

Also your comments make my day, thank you for loving my story. Don't be a silent reader and comment what you think. Well I can't really say anything since I'm a silent reader myself but we don't talk about that


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