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Hi guys!!!

Sorry for not updating at all this past year. If I'm being honest, I actually forgot about this story. I've been busy and I lost the motivation to write it so I stopped. I was planning on going back to it eventually but I didn't get to it.

My writing has changed this past year so I'm not sure if you guys would still be willing to read it if I ever decide to update it. If you guys are then I'll do my best to write up some chapters and upload them all at the same time. There's still a lot of the story left so if I update I think I'll upload at least two chapters when I do.

Again I'm sorry for not updating at all, I didn't mean to leave the story untouched for a whole year but I promise to do my best and try to upload a chapter every month at least.

See you guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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