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Renjun watched as Haechan left the house, he didn't have a good feeling about this. He should have gone with him but knew it was too late when he saw the car leave. He managed to leave the window and helped the others finish decorating the cake. He smiled when he saw his brother Chenle laughing and having the time of his life. 

He giggled when he saw Chenle put some whipped cream on his finger and put some on his dad's face. He watched as his parents playfully glared at Chenle and chased Chenle around to put some whipped cream on his face too. They quickly gave up when they realized he wasn't going to let them put some whipped cream on their faces so easily. 

Watching his family being happy made him forget all about his worries, but the gut wrenching feeling was still there. He smirked, put some whipped cream on his finger and put some on Chenle's face when he least expected it. His two dads laughed when they saw this and gave Renjun a thumbs up. 

Chenle glared at him and chased after him with some whipped cream on his fingers. While they were having the time of their life there was one person who couldn't enjoy his time. This being Yangyang. He, like Renjun, had a gut wrenching feeling that he didn't like. It had increased even more when Haechan had left the house. 

He was worried sick about his brother and couldn't relax at all. When his parents sent him a questioning stare he just smiled and waved them off. He didn't want to worry them and if Haechan didn't come back in the next hour he would have to tell them. 

Getting a random book that was near him he tried reading it but as time passed he got increasingly worried. He noticed the others were also worried, if them being suddenly quiet and looking at the window every few seconds was anything to go by. 

What worried them even more was when the bodyguards came back with no Haechan. He listened as the bodyguards told them that Haechan had ditched them and how they looked around the whole mall yet they didn't find him. 

Yangyang felt tears prick his eyes and almost cried in front of everyone if he wasn't so conscious about himself. He blinked back the tears and tightly hugged his parents. They hugged back just as tight. He blamed himself for not insisting on going with Haechan and accompanying him. 

He knew Haechan would try to ditch the bodyguards due to his mischievous nature and that is exactly why he or someone else should have accompanied him. Him and Renjun we're usually good at stopping him from doing those things, Yangyang would only occasionally give in. 

While he was thinking he suddenly thought of something that made him sick to the bone. He wanted to deny whatever he was thinking but Renjun did tell them what happened to him weeks ago. He let his tears fall when he realized that it might be the only actual reason, if it was some random fan of their parents group then they would've called a while ago, asking for a signature or a photo. 

Yangyang collected himself and forced his tears to stop falling. He thought of what to tell them and when he deemed himself ready, he carefully got out of his parents embrace and faced the others. 

"I think I know what might have happened," Yangyang spoke in the tense and silent atmosphere. 

They all turned towards him when they heard him speak. Some frowned when they saw his red puffy eyes and tears stains. 

"Knowing Haechan he must have finished gathering the things and didn't want to leave that quickly so he decided to ditch the guards. Haechan usually does this with one of us so it's weird why he did it when he's by himself. Anyways once he did ditch them he was probably somewhere dark so he could easily scare them but someone from behind must have knocked him out and taken him with them. 

I don't know if my assumptions are correct but I think it might have been them," Yangyang emphasized the word them. 

The room became more tense after realizing that what Yangyang said might be true. Yuta and Sicheng instinctively put their arms around Chenle and Renjun protectively. The others felt bad for them and turned away to not make them uncomfortable. 

Renjun felt suffocated and the need to leave the room and get some fresh air. He hastily got out of his dad's embrace and put on his shoes, all while they all looked at him questioningly. 

"Where are you going?" Yuta asked. 

"On a walk to get some fresh air, this is too much for me." Renjun explained. 

"No you're not, did you not hear what Yangyang just said? They might be back and are most likely waiting for one you guys to be alone and then take you away once you are." Yuta denied. 


"You should listen to your dad Renjun, Haechan has already been taken, do you really want to be the next one? Especially on the same day?" Doyoung interrupted whatever Renjun was going to say. 

Renjun looked down guiltily, not knowing what to say. He really didn't want to leave the house with the possibility of him or the others being the next ones but he really needed some fresh air. If he stayed here for any second longer he would suffocate. He would go to the balcony but he wanted to walk in order to relax his tense muscles. 

"I know but I really want to go on a walk, I'll even take 5 bodyguards if I have to, but please let me go." Renjun pleaded. 

Yuta sighed and contemplated it. The thought of losing one of his sons made him feel hopeless and way more protective than usual. If Renjun did take 5 or more bodyguards with him there would be a bigger chance of him being safe, beside he knew Renjun didn't really mind the bodyguards as long as he took his walk. 

Yuta and Sicheng shared a glance and with a lot of hesitance let Renjun go. Renjun smiled slightly and slowly left the house, feeling all eyes on him. As soon as he was out he breathed in the cold air and started walking knowing the bodyguards were right behind. Just to make sure he turned around and counted 6 of them. 

He was fine with that as long as he didn't have to see them. He shook off his thoughts and continued walking, he passed through a lot of his favorite stores. He made sure he wasn't far from his house and when he thought it was far enough he turned back and made his way home. 

He turned around when he heard grunts and someone falling to the ground. His eyes widened when he saw some of his bodyguards knocked out and some were even bleeding from behind their head. He slowly walked backwards and gasped when he felt himself bump into someone. 

He didn't get to turn around when someone put a cloth on his face and he tried his best to fight back but he felt himself slowly lose consciousness. Before he lost consciousness he remembers seeing Yangyang's scared face which made him confused but he couldn't dwell into it when he fell unconscious. If it was Yangyang he hoped he left before anything could happen to him. 

When the guy behind Renjun felt Renjun become limp he smirked and carried him bridal style. He smirked when he realized he would be having double the fun with 2 of them already captured. They sure we're lucky and smirked even more when they realized they would be having quadruple the fun once all of them were caught. If only they knew. 

New update! Renjun has now been capture, who do you think is next? When I first started this story I was planning on making it those sweet high school romance stories but then I gradually changed the plot so now here we are.

I haven't mentioned this since I just realized it but this may contain some torture, Gore, and violence. If you guys aren't comfortable to read this I wouldn't recommend you to. I'll leave some warning signs for when I do include mature content so don't worry about not knowing where it start and ends. 

If you would like me to I'll put some signs for when it start and when it ends. If you'll like me to do that please recommend some signs for all of you to be aware.

That's it for now, bye!! 💚💚

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