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Yangyang was aimlessly walking around the school. He hadn't seen the whole of the school and was now exploring the school. After 10 minutes of aimlessly walking he got tired and sat down, leaning on a tree. 

He was really sleepy and he blamed that on the game he was playing last night instead of sleeping. Before he knew it he had fallen asleep in what you would say an uncomfortable position. His head was hanging to the side, one hand was on his cheek, and he was sitting with his legs folded. 

He stayed there sleeping soundly for what seemed like an hour but was actually only 20 minutes. A certain male by the name Hendery was just passing by when he spotted the male. He was confused as to why there was someone sleeping out in the open where anyone could see them but he shrugged it off. 

He looked at the clock hanging on the wall and realized there was only a few minutes left till school ended so he decided to wake the boy up. He crouched down near the boy and gently shook him. 

When the boy didn't react he frowned. He shook him harder this time but still didn't get any reaction. He tried thinking of other ways to wake the boy up but only came up with ideas that could get himself and maybe even the boy in trouble. 

Although he loved stirring up trouble, he wasn't really in the mood to get in trouble just as school is about to end. Just as he was about to give up, he thought of something that made him smirk. He pulled out his phone and put on a random song. He put some headphones on the boy's ear, put it on full volume and played it. The song was a hype and loud song so when the boy jolted out of shock it didn't really surprise him, he was just amused even more. 

"What the hell dude?! What's wrong with you?!" The boy glared at him, taking off the headphones. 

Hendery just smirked at him and took this moment to examine the boy. He hadn't really paid attention to his face, only thinking about waking the boy up. But now that he saw him clearly he was struck by how beautiful the boy was. 

Yet something seemed really familiar about the boy. It took him a while to realize that this boy was Yangyang, Haechan's, Mark's crush but he won't admit it, brother. While he was in his thoughts Yangyang stared at him weirdly and watched as Hendery's expression changed. 

"Hello?" Yangyang waved his hands in front of Hendery's face. 

"What?" Hendery snapped startling Yangyang. 

"Calm down will you"

"I am calm" 

"Kinda hard to believe with that expression of yours," Yangyang pointed out. 

Hendery frowned even more, feeling himself frown he tried his best to muster up a smile but came out as a grimace. Yangyang snickered quietly at his attempt, quickly changing to a poker face when Hendery looked at him. 

"Shut up," 

"What did I do?" Yangyang asked.

Hendery grumbled in response and stood up from his spot. Hendery glared at Yangyang one last time and walked away. He didn't want to deal with him. Yangyang scoffed when he didn't hear any response from him and decided to follow Hendery and bother him. 

"Leaving so soon?" 

"Shut up and leave me alone," Hendery hissed out. 

"Tell me 10 reasons why I should" 

"10?! That's too much"

Yangyang just shrugged. He was having way too much fun bothering the older. Maybe he should make it a daily thing. 

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