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Chenle feels bad for forgetting all about Haechan and Renjun for the past few days. Guess he's gotten so used to their absence that he totally forgot that they were in bad hands and in danger. He hates it because it makes him feel even more guilty than he already is. He wishes that he could have done something to prevent Haechan and Renjun being kidnapped. 

He wished he could have stopped Renjun from ever leaving the house that day. He also knows that Yangyang thinks the same about what happened to Haechan. They both feel guilty about what happened even though they know none of it was their fault. It isn't their fault that their past has decided to come back, taunting them and maybe even worse than back then. 

He groaned, gripping his hair in frustration. Standing up, he decided to take a shower, thinking that it might help him calm down and settle his thoughts. It managed to calm him down but not even an hour later his mind started spiraling with what ifs. He wanted his mind to quiet yet it didn't seem to want to do so anytime soon.

He wanted to go take a walk to ease his mind but he was scared for his fate to be the same as Renjun's. Going for a walk then never coming back. He still hasn't asked Yangyang what happened that day, only making guesses as to what could've happened. 

He only knew Yangyang had come back home that day with tears streaming down his face and trembling from what seemed fear. They had all asked him what had happened and found out minutes later when all the bodyguards came back without Renjun. That day those five bodyguards got fired, their parents mad at themselves for letting Renjun go and at the bodyguards for not protecting Renjun like they were supposed to. 

Ever since that day they had gotten really overprotective over him, protecting their only son that they had left. Chenle didn't mind it but sometimes it could get really suffocating. Those times just like now all he wanted to do was lock himself up in his room or go for a walk but he couldn't do the latter so he opted for the other option instead. 

He's got to admit that he missed going out freely without being scared or being followed by bodyguards all the time. He missed the freedom he used to have. But he guesses that time is now over and now they have to pay the consequences for what they did, Yangyang not included. 

He knows what they did to Yangyang was something that he shouldn't have forgiven them for yet he did. He feels as if this is their punishment yet why did it have to be so bad and torturous?

He sighs for what feels like the umpteenth time that day. He gets up from his bed, and he heads to the kitchen. He's surprised to find his parents there, seeming to be quietly yet not so quietly arguing. He isn't sure what happened but his dad Yuta started crying, Winwin looking at him guiltily while trying to approach him. 

He sees his dad reject his attempts, pushing Winwin away and storming out of the kitchen, not even noticing Chenle on his way out. He makes eye contact with his other dad but Sicheng doesn't meet his eyes, patting his head before heading out the kitchen as well. He guesses he's going to make up things with his dad. 

Ever since the disappearance of his brother and friend, things have been really tense in the household, his parents and others never being able to come up to an agreement anymore. He hates how things have changed so much, not in a good way either. 

He snaps out of his thoughts when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He looks at the person, relaxing when he sees that it's just Yangyang. Yangyang gives him a sympathetic smile, one which he returns. Yangyang's used to be parents, Doyoung and Taeil, although Doyoung is still his parent, have been arguing a lot too. 

He knew they were all frustrated and tense from the recent events, their comeback coming up soon not helping at all, so they all always end up taking out their frustrations on the members, not intentionally of course. 

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