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Okay I know this is a NCT book but I couldn't help myself, especially being the multistan I am. If you guys haven't heard TXT's new song go ahead and check it out. I promise you won't be disappointed.

What other kpop groups do you guys stan besides NCT?

Mine are:
NCT (obviously)
Stray Kıds
And lastly ENHYPEN

Anyways on with the story!


Author's POV

The four, Renjun, Chenle, Yangyang, and Haechan, were peacefully walking home in silence. The silence wasn't an awkward one but instead it was a comfortable one. While three of them were at peace one of them couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

This being Renjun, he has been feeling uneasy and edgy this past few days which might explain why he kinda overreacted earlier in the day. Normally he would've just slapped Mark in the face instead of punching him but like he had said he let his emotions get the best of him. 

If the others wouldn't have stopped him he would've probably taken his anger out on that Mark guy. He mentally sighed, not wanting for the others to get worried. After a few minutes they had finally arrived home and for some reason they couldn't help but feel uneasy. 

They looked at each other before slowly making their way to the entrance of their house. Chenle turned the knob of the door, suprising himself and the others when the door opened. They were pretty sure they had locked the door before they left. 

Seeing the hesitance on Chenles face, Renjun gently moved him to the side and pushed the door open. He was expecting everything but this, behind him he could hear the others shocked gasps. They all had a look of pure shock and terror on their faces. 

The whole living room was flipped around and in a mess. The tables were turned around, the couches and sofas were flipped around,and  the tv was throwned off from where it used to be and appeared to be broken. On the walls were scribbled words in what looked like graffiti. 

The words painted on were, 'We'll come back for you guys'. Those words were enough to make their eyes teary and make them feel anxious. "Please tell me this is a joke," Renjun said, backing away from the door. He turned around to face the others and felt his heart break seeing their glassy eyes. He wanted to reassure them that everything was going to be okay but he knew that was not true.

"I dont think it's a joke," Haechan said, "they finally found us." This made them all tense and fear engulf their whole body. 
"L-let's just call our parents hopefully they'll know what t-to do," Renjun said in a shaky voice.

The others weakly nodded, Haechan dialed his parents' number since he already had his phone out. The phone rang for a bit making them feel anxious, before going to voicemail. Renjun sighed shakily before dialing his and Chenle's parents number.  

It rang for a while giving them some hope but their hope crashed when it went to voicemail. "I g-guess we have n-no choice but t-to go in," Yangyang stuttered over his words, clinging on to Haechan. The others nodded agreeing, not really wanting to but they knew they didn't have much of a choice. 

One by one they slowly entered the house, not forgetting to take off their shoes and slip their slippers on. "Let's try to at least clean this up," Renjun started, "Haechan and Yangyang you two go check upstairs and see if anything else was damaged." Haechan muttered a small 'okay' before heading upstairs, Yangyang following closely behind. 

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