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Chenle's POV

Me, Renjun and the other two were done with our lunch so we decided to go to our next class which was dance. Even though I wasn't that good at dancing I still liked dancing along with singing. It took us some time to find the dance room but finally found it.

When we entered we didn't expect to see anyone else since it was still early, but to our surprise we saw six other guys in the room. It looked like they were surprised too and just stared at us. Renjun not liking the awkward atmosphere cleared his throat to say something but the moment everyone's eyes were on him he stayed silent. And him being the shy and awkward person he is tried to smile but it came out more like a frown.

I giggled at his attempt to smile making everyone turn their attention towards me. I nervously laughed not liking the attention and tried to hide behind Yangyang. Haechan looked like he was about to say something but luckily the bell rang which made him shut his mouth. I'm not saying he should stay silent but that's exactly what I'm saying.

"Hello everyone! It's nice to see you, I'm Jung Hoseok but you can call me J-hope," introduced himself the dance teacher. "As most of you know your previous dance teacher had to retire due to personal reasons. So I'll be your new dance teacher." He stated with a bright smile. Once we all introduced ourselves we started stretching then proceeded to dance.

Author's Pov

Class ended and they headed to their last class before school ended. "Finally! Just one more class and then we can go home," exclaimed Haechan in mandarin already wanting to home. "Yeah but we still have homework to do," stated Renjun ruining Haechan's mood.

"This is so unfair! Why must you always ruin it for me," pouted Haechan. Renjun shrugged with a smirk on his face. Yangyang and Chenle giggled at their weird and dramatic behaviors. Even though they were older than them they acted like five year olds always bickering and fighting. They entered the class and sat down at the back of the class together.


Class was over after what felt like ages but was only an hour. The four of them calmly packed their things up, well except Haechan who already wanted to go home. "Hurry up I want to go home already," whined Haechan tired of waiting. The other three rolled their eyes already done. Seeing this Haechan immediately left the classroom to wait for them at the entrance.

"Wow, he didn't even wait for us," Renjun said rolling his eyes at his cousin who left. Yangyang and Chenle nodded in agreement not really wanting to talk. "Well at least he waited for us at the entrance," Chenle stated once they spotted Haechan waiting for them.

Yangyang ran to his brother and hugged him which caught him by surprise and tense. Seeing as it was only his brother Haechan relaxed and turned to hug his brother back. "You scared me! I thought it was someone else," Haechan told his brother softly knowing he could be sensitive at times. Yangyang only giggled and smiled at his brother, Haechan smiling back.

Renjun and Chenle smiled at their cute interaction. "Let's go home now," Renjun sighed once he realized they left their car at home. Apparently the other three realized it too because they had a frown on their face. "Well at least it'll only take ten minutes to walk and if we run like we did in the morning then five minutes at the most," Haechan stated making the others look at him weirdly.

They expected him to be complaining but instead he looked really calm. "Let's just go I don't want to be here any longer," Renjun said making the others nod in agreement and start walking.


"Finally were home," exclaimed Haechan entering the house. They all took out their shoes and left them near the doorway, slipping on their slippers. Haechan ran up to his room to do his homework wanting to get rid of it as soon as possible. The others did the same except they didn't run. They had their own rooms but would usually sleep together whenever they had nightmares or were scared.

Hours later they had all finished their homework and were either using their phone or playing games. Renjun stood up from his spot and slowly headed towards the kitchen. "Junnie let's just order takeout," Chenle stated once he saw that Renjun looked like he didn't want to cook. Instead of answering he got his phone and started ordering.

"I ordered pizza with chicken and drinks. Is that okay with you guys?" Asked Renjun once he finished ordering. The rest nodded not really caring as long as it was food. While they waited they decided to play some games.

"What games do you guys want to play?" Yangyang asked. "Let's play Mario kart and the loser has to pay for the food and I'm obviously winning, " Haechan suggested smirking knowing they were all really competitive. And that's how they ended up playing three rounds, and Haechan losing every single round.

"I thought you said you were going to win Haechan," Renjun teased. "Yeah, didn't you say you were going to win all of us," Chenle stated with a small smirk. The three of them laughed and teased him "What did I do to deserve this," exclaimed Haechan dramatically. The others just rolled their eyes at his dramatic behavior still smiling.

Minutes later the doorbell rang making everyone turn their attention towards the door. Haechan knowing who it was took out his wallet and headed towards the door ready to pay. He opened the door and the saw the delivery man with their orders. He handed him the money and took their orders but not before thanking the man.

"You guys better eat all of it or else I'm never paying again," stated Haechan. They just nodded not really paying attention to him and started eating. Haechan groaned knowing that they pay attention to a single word he said but started eating as well. The spent the rest of the day laughing and talking. Before any of them knew it they slept in the living room too tired to go to their own room.

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