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Okay as you guys know I haven't posted in quite a long time and even unpublished this book. After a long time I finally remembered about it and decided to republish it. I just want you to know that even if I republished it there's a small chance that I'll update anytime soon so I'm sorry about that.

I already have the plot and everything but I just need the motivation to write it. Since I do feel bad for not updating though I'll try to update in the next week or so.

That's all I need you guys to know oh and also thank you for the 50.5k reads. This is such a huge accomplishment and I'm so happy that people actually enjoy reading my story. Thank you for all your support and patience. Once again I'm truly sorry I haven't updated at all but hopefully my motivation to write this will come back so I can update as much as I can.

Thank you once again and bye!!! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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