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Although Yangyang knows that they should be getting out of their hiding spot to go greet the police, he was curious as to where this place led to. The space was big enough for them to sit and move around if they wanted to so it wasn't as crowded as he thought it would be. 

"Do you wanna see where this leads to?" He asks Chenle, curiosity and excitement visible on his face. 

"Shouldn't we get out and tell the police what happened though?" 

"Well yeah but come on it'll be quick, please?" He begs. 

"We can do it some other time but right now we need to talk to the police or else they'll sue us or something for calling them for no 'reason.'" 

"Fine," he sighs in defeat. 

He presses the button that opens up their hiding spot and crawls out of it. Once he's out he helps Chenle come out as well. He takes a look around after they're both out and is in shock from how messy and broken everything looks. Some of the chairs are misplaced and thrown randomly around. The snacks are all spilled on the ground as well as the popcorn, they even look stepped on. Even the VCR that plays the movies is broken. 

Stepping carefully through the mess they head out, cautiously looking around just in case the people from earlier were still there. They make it safely to where the police are and that's when they realize how bad the house looks. Everything is misplaced and had been thrown around randomly in the house. The walls are covered in gunshots and their paintings have fallen down, some even broken. It doesn't even look like their house anymore, it looks unrecognizable. 

They get interviewed by the police the moment they get there and have to repeat everything more than once. Yangyang sighs in relief when he sees their parents arrive, running straight into his dad's arms. He lets out a sob when he feels his familiar arms wrap around him, feeling as if he's finally safe and sound in his arms. 

Since he was the oldest between him and Chenle he wanted to act mature and calm so that Chenle wouldn't panic but now he could finally release all the emotions he's been feeling. Seeing Yangyang cry his heart out, Doyoung tightens his grip around Yangyang. He murmurs comforting words in his ear, playing with his hair as well to calm him down faster. 

He slowly moves them to the couch so that they're more comfortable. He sits down and gently moves Yangyang into his lap. He cuddles him and plays with his hair while also singing a comforting song in his ears. He keeps doing this until he feels Yangyang relax into him and by then he knows he has fallen asleep. Crying must have exhausted him. He feels tired as well so he rests his head on top of Yangyang and closes his eyes, falling asleep right away.  

Chenle on the other hand had sprinted right into his parents arms when he saw them arrive. He had been so scared but now with his parents he felt safer. It's not that he didn't feel safe with Yangyang, it's just that he really needed the comfort of his parents. Yuta hugs him close while Sicheng hugs both of them close to him. They let him cry as they comfort him to the best of their abilities, their argument forgotten. Right now comforting their son was more important than a petty argument of theirs. 

While Yuta comforted Chenle to the best of his abilities, Sicheng took a quick look around. He was stunned with how messy and disordered the house looked. His eyes narrow when he spots the gunshots decorating the walls of their now ruined house. 

Seeing the house's condition and both Yangyang and Chenle's state, he could make a couple of guesses as to what happened and none of them were good. He sighs, tightening his arms around both his husband and son. He kisses Yuta's temple for comfort, knowing he needed some comfort as well. Yuta gives him a small smile in return before returning his attention to Chenle. 

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