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Jaemin wakes up shivering and in pain. He opens his eyes and is met with blinding light. He closes his eyes and blinks them a couple of times to get his eyes used to light. Once they've adjusted, he groggily sits up only to whimper at the sudden pain in his ribcage.

He grips his ribcage as he tries to sit up again but this time slower and more careful. He takes a quick look around and notices the room is empty with nothing except a broken window and a door. He stands up, mindful of his ribcage and makes his way to the window.

"Where am I?" He mumbled to himself.

He takes a look outside and weirdly enough he sees a city with buildings, cars, and people going on about their day.

'Huh? If I'm kidnapped wouldn't being in the city be a bad place to hold someone hostage?'

He takes another look at the room, trying to look for an object that could help him escape once he found the right time. He walks around and checks every corner only to find nothing. If he doesn't find anything soon, he'll just have to break the window with his own hands. He grimaces at the thought, he was already injured enough as it is. He really didn't want to add another injury to his body. He inspects his body and finds some bruises on his arms, waist and legs. He tries recalling what happened before he passed out but couldn't recall anything.

He only remembers visiting his parent's house. He doesn't remember leaving the house or going out anywhere. With a sigh he plops down on the floor and pulls his clothes closer to himself to try and get some warmth. He leans against the wall, feeling uneasy. He's just about to fall asleep from exhaustion when he hears a pained scream. He blinks awake, trying to decipher where the noise came from. He wonders if anyone outside heard it, he'd be surprised if they didn't. Not long after he hears another pained scream.

He keeps hearing people screaming over and over again that it starts hurting him. He whimpers at a particularly loud scream, hands coming up to cover his ears and tears slipping down his cheeks. He hates this. He hopes all of this is just a bad dream and is still at home with his parents but he knows it isn't. The screams stop not long after but he still feels shaken up. He flinches hard when the door in the room slams open. He hears footsteps near him but he can't look up, fear engulfing him.

He gasps when his hair is yanked and he's forced to stare at the man currently holding his hair in a tight grip. He forces himself to keep a straight face despite the overwhelming fear he feels and does his best to maintain eye contact with the man without revealing any emotions in his eyes.
The man chuckles at his attempt to hide his fear.

The man slowly let's go of his hair and just as Jaemin is about to sigh in relief, he yelps when the man suddenly slaps him hard on the face. He clutches his face in pain as the man pulls him up to his feet. The man grabs both of his wrists and puts handcuffs on them, grabbing his arm and pushing him out of the room.

He makes sure to stay behind the man and scans his surroundings as best as he can while keeping his head low just in case he gets in trouble for openly scanning his surroundings. He memorizes the amount of corners they take and how many times they go left or right. He engraves it into his memory and does his best to calm his ragged and panicked breathing. It wouldn't do him any good to panic and if his assumptions were correct, most of the house or whatever it was was soundproof.

He keeps his head lowered even as the man pushes him in a room and makes him sit down on a chair. His handcuffs are removed from his hands and are immediately tied behind back as well as his ankles. He doesn't make any noise, knowing it would only anger the man, having experienced something similar to this before. The only thing was that back then he knew why he was being held hostage but now he wasn't sure why they brought him here or what they wanted with him.

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