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This is a continuation on chapter 21



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*Two years ago*

Yangyang had instantly started packing his things the moment his parents approved of his request to stay over with them. Having his headphones on and being too concentrated on packing his things, he hadn't noticed Chenle and the others walking into his room and calling his name out. When his headphones were pulled out of his ears only did he then realize their presence. 

He felt himself freeze when he made eye contact with them and was ready to defend himself when he noticed their concerned and surprised gazes. He frowned at their concerned looks and if it were Yangyang a month back he would've felt happy that they felt concerned for him but the Yangyang now knew that the concerned faces were fake. 

Well at least he thought they were, he had seen it too many times to not think so. This always happened. They would do something hurtful to him just to apologize and fake their concern for him twenty minutes later. The first three times he had forgiven them but then later he found himself holding a grudge and only pretending to forgive them. 

Besides, even if they did apologize they still ignored him the moment he had forgiven them. He had learned that the hard way. Knowing what was going to happen next he spoke before they could say anything. 

"If you're here to apologize don't worry I had already forgiven you. You can leave now," Yangyang said, not even daring to look at them. 

"I-okay, but why are you packing your things? Are you going somewhere?" Chenle asked, almost panicked. 

"I believe that is none of your concern, now leave." Yangyang answered with a stern tone, pointing at the door behind them. 

"Not before you tell us why you are packing your things," Renjun replied just as stern. 

"Didn't you hear me?! It is none of your concern, now leave before I make you." Yangyang felt himself get more frustrated the more they questioned him. 

"As if someone as weak as you could make us leave." Haechan let out sarcastically. 

Yangyang felt his heart clench at his words but didn't let it show. Instead he glared at them and decided to ignore them, continuing to pack his things just this time more quickly. He also decided to ignore their piercing stares that seemed like it could look through him and figure him out. 

He let out a yelp when someone pulled his hair and forced him to look at them. He was met with Haechan's face that looked angry but his eyes showed fear and panic. He was confused as to why he would be scared and panicked but he shrugged it off and pushed Haechan away. 

He watched as their angry faces turned into shock, he had defended himself. Seeing as they were distracted he quickly zipped up his backpack and ran out of his room. He was almost out of the house when he felt someone pull him back by his backpack. He groaned and turned to look at his dear brother. Haechan. 

"You're not going anywhere," Haechan growled out. 

"Watch me," Yangyang replied and with much force he kicked Haechan and left the house before the others could catch up to him. 

He hastily entered the car their parents assigned to them and asked the driver to quickly start the car. He also asked him to lock the car and take him to his parents dorm. Albeit confused the driver obeyed and started the car. Only when the house was out of sight did he relax. This car was the only one available to take them places so he didn't worry much about the three following him. 

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