55. worries

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What was the last book you read?

Mine was Five Feet Apart. I sobbed😂

phone call



hey Cam! I just watched
your live, you did well.

really? oh thank goodness!
I was so nervous!

Well you did great.
I won't be able to call
for long okay, I have
something on.
Oh okay that's fine.
What are you doing?

Nothing exciting.
Don't worry about it.

Oh okay... How's school going?

Same as always pretty much.
The teachers are brutal at
the moment, it's constant
homework and revision lessons.

Ouch. So I'm not missing
much then?

Nope. When are you
getting back?

I'm about two weeks.

That's good. I have
to go now, but I'll talk
to you later.

Oh wait, I have to show you something-

Ben ❤️

I'm left staring down at the black screen with thoughts running through my head.

He's probably got sports on, or seeing his family. Maybe he's going to the shops with his mum. He might be catching up with some friends. He mentioned he has a lot of revision, he's probably doing that...

I tap my nails on the phone, my lips twisting into an expression of deep thought. What could he be doing?

Now, whenever I get worried, I usually write it down in my journal. I write down what I'm feeling, why I'm feeling that way, and how I can stop it, plus a few things I'm grateful for.

This is exactly what I decide to do.

I rustle around in my suitcase, collecting my journal and all my pens and highlighters, because one thing I learnt about journaling is that it's so much more fun when there are pretty colours involved.

I begin by drawing a fancy title. I did calligraphy as a hobby for the majority of primary school, so I'm actually pretty decent. I would say that I wanted to be a professional title drawer when I grew up.

An hour later, I've vented all my worries and stresses.

I feel calm again.

𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now