10. chicken tenders

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Chapter 10 (11/7/2015)
Real life

It's about 30 minutes after the first screen test, and I'm currently sitting in a very comfy chair on set waiting for my lunch to arrive. I got to choose between chicken tenders, or a burger, and because I'm still 8 years old in my brain, I chose the chicken tenders.

The crew chats with one another quietly as they set up for the next screen test with Robert, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo and I.

I'm actually not that nervous, probably because I'm still on cloud 9 from the first one. Hopefully, it will go well, because this is the last test to make them cast me in the film. I can do it though. I know I can.

"So are you excited to meet the rest of the cast?" Robert asks while munching on his burger. He wipes a piece of lettuce from the side of his cheek.
"Yeah! I mean, I've been looking up to them for years!" I respond excitedly. He chuckles at my obvious enthusiasm.
"Who's your favourite avenger?"
"No offence, but definitely Black Widow." I answer. Robert puts a hand over his chest in fake offence. I laugh.
"What?! Why?"

"She's the best! She has a cool costume, and is so incredibly skilled. Plus, she doesn't have super powers and she can still probably take down Captain America." I state proudly, still keeping up the fake American accent. Robert nods, seeming quite impressed with Marvel knowledge.

"I have to say, you're probably right about the Cap part." He says. He shifts in his seat slightly, and continues.
"You're doing well, kid."
"Thank you!" A warm smile stretches across my cheeks.
"Have you been acting for a while?"
"Umm, yeah I guess. But not professionally, just with my sisters and at some holiday camps." I reply. Robert lets out a sigh of amusement.

"You've got talent, Cam. If you do get this part, which I know you will, it will be a big deal, and an even bigger change in your life. But if you're responsible with it, and you reach the level of potential I know you can reach, you will be so successful in your career and personal life. You just need to trust the right people, and be guided by even better people." Robert says calmly.

As I listen, every word resonates in my brain. A flash of excited nerves wash over me for a split second, but they're good nerves. Helpful ones.

I don't respond with words, but a simple understanding nod instead. A memory rises to my thoughts.

The memory of my friends and I sitting around my dinner table with slices of pizza in front of us, discussing the events of school and any present drama. That was my birthday party this year. Just thinking about my friends back home makes me think about my possible future. I'm going to have to make a big choice.

A sudden knock on the entrance door startles me, making me leap out of my seat and causing Robert to laugh loudly. He clutches his stomach in between laughs.

A large amount of people flood through the door. Instantly, I recognise the broad frame of Chris Evans as he does his signature and iconic roar of laughter.

Hidden behind him is Scarlett Johansson, who looks very stylish in her trousers and sweater. Her hair is the usual blonde.

I fiddle once again with my rings. But I take a deep breath, and follow Robert over to Chris and Scarlett.

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