26. what if

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Chapter 26 (27/10/2015)
Real life

"Warmer than jail!" Robert remarks. Chris and Anthony burst into hearty laughter, whilst Scarlett grabs Robert's arm and laughs loudly. I laugh from behind the cameras, before being tapped on the shoulder by my mum who gives me a stern look. I return my focus to the study papers on my laptop. In 20 minutes, I have my first maths exam for year 10.

And if I don't study, I'm going to fail.

It's on algebra and simultaneous equations, which thankfully I'm actually quite good at. It's the small little rules that are incredibly important that confuse me. For example, the two negatives equal a positive. It makes no sense of you really think about it!

But here's my problem; I get distracted very easily. The slightest noise or movement will make my thoughts wonder. So as you can imagine, doing an exam on a film set will be especially hard. As I solve the practice problems, the constant whirring of cameras and the groaning of the air conditioner is making me want to go and join in the fun. But I can't.

I read through the problems again and again, not trying to make sense of them, but trying to process them in my brain so that I can solve the equation. It's not like I can go to another room either, because all the rooms are being used today. And I can't go back to my trailer because there's no wifi signal for me to take my exam.

"Hey Cam, what are you doing?" Robert asks as he unscrews the lid of his water bottle and takes a huge sip. To be fair, it is boiling in here.
I sigh loudly in annoyance, to which he gives me a father-like look.
"Maths study."
"Ohh fun!" He says sarcastically. I laugh and roll my eyes.
"Anything I can help with?"
"Umm actually, if you could it would be great if you could test me on the formulas?" I suggest. Please please please!
"I can do that."
"Yay! Thank you!!" I throw my arms around him happily. He chuckles. Robert picks up my maths book, and begins to quiz me.

Now, it's currently 20 seconds before I do the exam. I'm feeling very prepared, but also extremely anxious. What if I studied the wrong things? What if I read the instructions wrong? What if- No stop it Cam. I breathe in deeply. It's ok, it's ok...

I click on the start button. The first few questions are really easy, but they gradually harder and harder, until I have to do the working out a few times to make sure it is correct. I get to the last question, a question that involves multiplication in algebra. I stop for a moment. Breathe. I figure it out step by step, making sure to remember the formulas needed. I select my answer. I press submit. The test page disappears, telling me that it has registered my marks.

Fingers crossed

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