30 . move to the beat

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Chapter 30 (2/12/2015)
Real life.

Tonight is the night. The night we've all been waiting for. The wrap party.

Marvel's wrap parties are apparently known for being amazingly fun, with plenty of delicious foods and energetic music that creates a beating atmosphere. And the best part, is that you get to dress up a bit. Not too much, after all you're not going to a fashion show, or a premiere. So it's safe to say that I am extremely excited.

Lizzie, Scarlett and I went shopping a few days ago for the perfect outfits, and we got the most scrumptious lunch while there as well. Some of the food here is absolutely divine. I ended up getting a striking indigo dress with subtle stunning purple lines (another one, I'm aware I have a problem). I've got some small heels and to go with it, a silver jewellery set given to me by my great grandmother before she died. Scarlett has agreed to straighten my hair for me as well, as I would most likely burn myself if I tried.

I start to get ready at 4pm sharp, planning to make it perfectly on time for 5:30. I shower, brush my teeth again to make sure there is no food stuck in them, and wash my face to get rid of any dirt. Looking in the unusually big mirror, I notice a spot rising and groan in annoyance. It's a good thing filming's wrapped. I wouldn't want to have to deal with concealer being powdered on my face by the make up artists every morning until it's vanished. That would be a nightmare.

I carefully apply a low layer of mascara, ensuring that there are no smudges on my eyelids. Then I brush my hair out. I comb some of my deknotifying cream (if that's a word) to rid the tangles and prepare the straighteners for use. Just on cue, I hear a tap on my door.
"It's Scarlett, can I come in?"
"Yeah!" I yell back. She enters clutching onto a few hair and makeup products. She is wearing a very stylish denim pantsuit with some black heels. Her hair looks as though it has just been cut, and she has put some elegant silvery eyeshadow to accentuate her blue eyes. As she comes into view, I give her a little twirl.

"Ooh you look great Petal!" She cheers. She really is my hypewoman. She begins to straighten my hair, paying extra attention to the curls at the ends.
"Are you excited for your first wrap party?"
"Yes! Very!" Scarlett laughs.
"I'm so happy you joined the cast Cam."
"Really. It got a lot brighter when you came. You're like a ray of sunshine in this world." I smile warmly at her compliment. That's the best one I've ever received. Sunshine is powerful and bright. To be compared to it is marvellous, and makes me feel special.

"Thank you so much Scar. You've helped me so much, you know? You're like a second mother to me now."
"Aw really? I was going for cool older sister!" She exclaims. We both laugh, and this is fuelled as she accidentally drops the straightener on the ground, barely missing my foot.
"Careful Scarlett!"
"Sorry! At least I didn't get you!"
"You almost did!"
We continue until my hair is decent, and until we can't resist the chocolates that my mum gave me anymore. Lizzie arrives just as we tuck into the caramels. Obviously she wants some too.

Once we are all ready, we take off on foot to the studio. Colourful lights have been strung around the entrance drawing our attention, and making excited butterflies appear in my stomach. Inside, it's like a movie. The music instantly makes me feel like bopping along to the beat and I can smell the aroma of sweets from the door.
"Woah." I breathe.
"I know right? It's amazing!" Lizzie agrees, already nodding her head to the beat enthusiastically.
"This is going to be the best night." I say happily.

I wind my way through the crowds going straight to the sweet table, greeting a few crew members on the way. Once I get there, I'm disappointed to see that all the caramels are already gone. I frown. Hearing someone clear their throat, I look up.
"Looking for the caramels?" Tom asks cheekily. I give him a mischievous grin.
"Why yes I am. Have you taken them?"
"No..." He replies, very unconvincingly I may add. Without missing a beat, I launch for his hands that are clenches tightly. He shrieks quietly and opens them. A collection of about 7 candies scatter on the floor.
"Caught you!" I snicker. Tom rolls his eyes in annoyance, and smiles.
"You're always one step ahead aren't you?"
"Do you want to dance?" I nod shyly. But it's not like a waltz or anything like that.

During our time spent together on set, we discovered that we have both been trained in hip hop. Although he's considerably better than me. That's only because he's been on Broadway though, so don't worry. We start with a simple side-to-side movement, and gradually progress into something a bit more difficult, gaining impressed and amused cheers from others surrounding us. We smile and move to the beat in sync.

Soon enough, some of our other cast and crew members have joined in with us. Robert and Scarlett do a really bad salsa, Mackie tries desperately to teach Lizzie some street dance, and Chris decides to reveal some of his tap dancing skills, much to Lizzie's pleasure. I don't think she's ever going to let that go. Tom and I keep dancing until our legs go weak. We let out a proud laugh, and walk over to the drinks table.

I pause for a moment to decide if I want lemonade or orange soda.
"What would you like Cam?" Tom asks. He pours himself a coke.
"Umm I don't know... maybe lemonade? I say unsurely. He laughs at me, to which I respond with a playful glare. I grab the half empty lemonade bottle and fill a cup.
"I can't believe this is already over." I sigh. He nods at me in understanding.
"I know. It's been the best!"
"But your Spider-Man film has been confirmed hasn't it? So you'll be back soon."
"Yeah, but I think it will be a bit different. More pressure." He breaths shakily. I glance over to him. He looks off into the distance as if he's deep in thought.
"It will be okay." I say, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. Tom smiles down at me, his chocolate eyes twinkling in the purple lights.

"Thank you Cam. Really." He rests his head on my shoulder, even though he has to bend down quite a bit. It's peaceful. Through all the chaos of the film industry, Tom's been my rock. He's only a few years older than me, so we can relate to each other.

I breathe calmly.

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