8. omg it's robert downey jr

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Chapter 8 (11/7/2015)
Real life

Here we go.

Robert Downey Jr is right in front of me. Like right there. He gives me a wide, genuine smile. I grin back.
"Camryn, this is Robert. Robert, this is Camryn, our auditionee." Kevin says, introducing us.

Ok, American accent, remember. Go, go, go!

"Hello, nice to meet you!" I mumble slightly, feeling more nervous gibberish exit my mouth than actual words. Thankfully, Robert can sense this and instead of going for a handshake, he wraps his arms around me in a big bear hug, comforting me and making any worries about him disappear. We pull apart.

"Pleasure to meet you as well, Camryn. Are you excited for this little thing, because I know I am! I'm so excited." Robert exclaims, making me laugh happily. I didn't think he would be this easy to talk to. Now I realise he has his Tony Stark clothes on.

"Yeah, I'm excited! A tiny bit nervous, but I'll be fine!" I respond.
"That's the spirit kiddo!" He says back.

"Let's go guys! On set!" Kevin yells. Robert smirks at me, and we quickly rush over to our places. The scene we have to do is quite emotional, and requires me to cry. I also have to throw some things, so hopefully I don't injure him. That wouldn't be good.

We take our places, him sitting on the couch and me behind the door, ready to open it when they say action. There are two men sitting behind the camera that I didn't get to meet before. I think they're the directors.

"Okay, lights! Quiet on set everyone! Camera A?" Shouts the first AD.
"Great, Camera B?"
"Also rolling!"

"And... Action!" Says one of the directors. I take a deep breath, and begin.

I push open the old door, hearing the familiar clicks and crunches of the decaying wood. The house is as I left it. Plates are in the sink, still dirty from a few nights ago and my weapons are strewn across the floor. A few splatters of blood have stained into the timber, which is a bit annoying but isn't the worst thing in the world.

I dump my bags on the floor, ignoring the few pieces of metal that come tumbling out. They clang loudly. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, feeling the bumps and bruises that are rising faster than I would like them to, and also sensing a headache that could potentially be a pain.

The water runs freely in the sink while I grab a face cloth from under the sink. I start to scrub dirt and dust off my skin.

"You know, I thought you would be harder to find."

I spin around swiftly, dropping everything in my hands. My breath hitches when I see a tall man sitting on the couch behind me. He wears a tidy suit with his hair styled immaculately, and is no stranger to me. He's the infamous, and famous Tony Stark.

"I'm a bit disappointed, to be completely honest. I was looking forward to a nice chase. Do you have a bin anywhere?" He asks, as he gestures to his mouth. He continues to chomp on some gum while I answer.

"In the corner."

I stand still, not daring to move. I know what he is capable of. Well, maybe not him in his human form, but when he has his Iron Man suit on, it's another story. I don't really feel like being blasted by a laser beam today.

Tony Stark moves around my apartment cautiously, and on edge. That makes for two of us.
"So, you hiding out here?" He asks. His eyes scan over my every move, looking out for signs of danger.
"I live here." I respond sharply.

A few beats of awkward silence pass. I fiddle with the emerald ring that's left red marks on my way-too-big fingers.

"I know you're Loki's daughter."
At his words my head snaps up to face him. I can already feel a cold sweat starting to break down my back.

"How do you know that?"
"Simple. I did the research." He answers.

He moves closer and closer to me until his frame towers over me. I gulp audibly. His eyes narrow down at me, whilst somehow still having that glint of mischief and warmth hidden behind the surface.

"You have two choices; either you come with me now, or you put up a fight and I have to take you down and go from there. I know which one I would pick." He says steadily. I can feel a familiar power chasing to my fingertips, and an even more familiar red cloud fogging my brain.

"Which one is it?" Tony questions. His face suddenly contorts with confusion as my eyes turn a deep shade of green. I throw a ball of magic at him that sends him flying across the floor. I reach over to the countertops.

He groans in pain as I grasp a plate in my hands. With one swift movement, I launch it at him, hearing the comforting sounds of ceramic shattering everywhere.

"And... Cut!!" The director yells. Everyone on set starts to clap and cheer, bringing a heat to my cheeks. My breathing steadies from the excitement and pride. Robert gets up off the floor, and runs straight to give me a massive hug and a pat on the back. I smile widely, and so hard that I can feel my eyes crinkle up.

Kevin looks over at me proudly, and says "I think we found our Astrid Martin".

ooohh she's playing Loki's daughter!
also if anyone got the reference in the chapter title (I'm hoping you did) tell me in the comments😂

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