43. party time part 1

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I place dainty white tea cups along the wooden table next to the cutlery I've already set out.

It was a very busy morning filled with love and cheers, perfect for what I imagined a 15th birthday would look like. It's now lunch time, and the feeling of glee has not faded at all. My family were so lovely. I was lucky enough to receive a few gifts from them, including a stunning necklace with star symbols along the chain.

I'm wearing that necklace right now as I prepare the table for my guests. During press for Captain America: Civil War, my sister accidentally let slip that it was my birthday in a few months.

The cast wanted to help celebrate, but because of our busy schedules, the only day that we could celebrate turned out to be on my actual birthday.

So I decided to have a smaller celebration with the cast at lunch, and then my friends are coming over in the evening for a sleepover. Therefore I am setting the table as my mum and dad whip up a mouth watering feast of pizzas and pasta. This has always been our go to birthday lunch. My siblings will be joining us as well, so it works out perfectly.

My two families will be joining together for the day. It will be a hilarious, eventful day anyway, but this might just push it to the max.

A rap on the door almost makes me drop a tea cup. It keeps going in its rhythmic melody, accompanied by a voice singing 'We're here!". I roll my eyes in amusement, and walk to the door. I click open the lock.
"Happy birthday Cam!" Chris Evans screams in my face the very moment I open the door.
"Hey guys! Come in!" I smile warmly.

Robert gives me a fatherly hug on his way through, and Scarlett does the same, but in more of a sister like way. Lizzie gives me a peck on the cheek, and Mackie gives me an energetic high five.

Seb and Tom are the last to come in. They both smile happily, and give me a hug. Then, Seb breaks it.
"Is that pizza?" He questions hungrily. Everyone laughs at him, including Maddy as she walks downstairs.
"Yes! Welcome everyone!" My mum rushes out of the kitchen with her apron still on. She greets the cast, literally as if they are family with kisses on the cheek and hugs.

We all head to the living room, where we previously gathered every chair we could find to create enough seats for everyone. I take a seat in between Tom and Lizzie on the soft couch.
"So how does it feel to be 15?" Robert asks cheekily.
"You must feel so old." Chris adds on with a playful wink. I laugh, and take a sip of the tea I have in my hands.
"Oh definitely. It feels sooo different to 14." I joke.
"Did you get any gifts?" Tom asks curiously. Anthony shoots him a short glare that goes unnoticed by me.
"Yeah, my siblings put their money together and bought me this necklace, which is so so beautiful! And then my parents gave me a voucher for the cinema which is lovely!" I exclaim holding up the necklace to show them.
"Well, we all got you something." Anthony says. Seb reaches forward with a rectangular box wrapped tightly in blue wrapping paper. I smile and accept the gift, and begin to unwrap it. It's very soft around the edges.
"We really hope you like it!" Scarlett adds. The ribbon goes undone and I see a thick, cozy-looking jumper. I gasp and hold it up to get a better look.

As I suspected, it is extremely soft, and has a fleecy inner lining that makes me want to snuggle into it. What's even better is that it has the original Avengers logo on the back in bold writing.
"It's from the filming of the first Avengers." Robert grins.
"How did you get it?" I ask, still in awe of the jumper.
"I was at headquarters the other day, and decided to go rummaging through the boxes of props. It was hidden underneath one of the SHIELD computers." He laughs. I jump out of my seat and give everyone a hug as a thank you.
"Do you like it?" Seb asks nervously.
"I love it!" I shout happily.

Later on, we're all sitting around the table with our pizza slices and various dishes of pasta. The conversation slowly drifts to what's going to happen in the future of Marvel.
"Wait Tom, you're filming at the moment aren't you?" Chris questions.
"Oh yeah! For SpiderMan, it just started."
"What? They're doing another SpiderMan!" I exclaim. Tom almost chokes on his pizza slice from a sudden laughing fit.

"Yeah! Didn't you know?"
"No!" I answer.
"They're planning on doing another trilogy, if it goes well." He states. Robert chuckles heartily, joined by Chris and Scarlett.
"What's happening with the next Avengers?" Seb asks while taking a bite of pepperoni pizza.

"Hold on, Cam do you know about this one?" Anthony jokes. I poke my tongue out at him and pull a childish expression.
"Hilarious, Mackie, yes I am kind of aware about this."
"Why don't they tell you anything? I mean, even Tom knows!" Mackie continues. Tom does a look of fake hurt, and places a hand over his heart.
"Hey!" He pouts.

"When are we filming?" Scarlett wonders.
"I think sometime next year, but when depends on everyone's schedules." Robert points out.
"Obviously I'm free whenever, it's not like I'm employed anywhere else." I joke. This gets a good laugh from everyone at the table.

It's good to be back together again.

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