13. petal

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Chapter 13 (11/7/2015)
Real life

I wriggle out of the skin tight fabric of my costume. I just finished the second and last screen test, hopefully I'll ever have to do for the role. I can hear Terri laughing behind me at the many uncomfortable faces I'm making as I struggle horribly to remove the tightly bound bracelet from my wrist.

After a few minutes of tiresome wrestle with elastic and zippers, I'm back in my shirt and trousers. I have to admit, it feels a lot better than the sticky material of my costume.

I gather my things, and stack them all into my rucksack. I look around with a smile, just in case this is the last time I will ever see the costume again. Just in case.

With one last look, I close the door and walk out into the crowded corridors. Kevin is talking to Joe and Anthony, probably about the upcoming film while Scarlett, Chris and Robert are all standing in a circle discussing something unknown.
"Oh there you are Cam!" I whip my head around at the mention of my name. My mum is hurrying towards me with puffed red cheeks, and her handbag bouncing on her arm.

"How'd it go?" She asks.
"I think it went really well. They were all so nice!" I answer, smiling at her. She returns it with a proud grin and an affectionate pat on the shoulder.
"Let's get going now, shall we? You look so tired" She wipes a strand of hair out of my face as she talks. We take our time leaving, waving goodbye to everyone I met today, and thanking them for the opportunity.

"Wait Camryn!" Someone shouts. For the second time, I spin around, except this time I see Robert dashing over with Scarlett and Chris not far behind him. Confusion contorts my face for a split second.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Robert questions. I look to my mum, but she doesn't do anything except smile knowingly.
"Um, no I don't think so why?"
"Would you like to get dinner with us?" Scarlett says.
"Yeah we could celebrate!" Chris exclaims happily. Immediately, Robert and Scarlett turn to him with an annoyed look on their faces. His confusion is responded with a slight slap on the arm by Robert.

"What would we be celebrating?" I ask, my head tilting to the side. Scarlett gives a knowing glance to the others.
"That you got the role!" Robert suddenly yells excitedly.
My jaw drops. I got it. I did it! It doesn't sink in straight away. I'm going to be in a movie. Not just any movie, a marvel movie!

Before I can find the words to describe the amount of happiness and pride that I'm feeling in this moment, Chris engulfs me in a big bear hug.

Soon enough, Scarlett and Robert join in the fun, drawing in the attention of others, who laugh at the sight. I mean, it would be pretty funny.

After we separate, I give my answer.
"I would love to come to dinner with you guys! I mean, if I'm allowed to?" I look at my mum for approval. She gives me a thumbs up, and a small happy smile.
"Of course you can, Cam. I'll do some shopping." My mum says with a laugh. Everyone else chuckles at her response.
"Shall we get going then?" Scarlett asks, linking her arm with mine. We start to skip slightly down the hallway, giggling our heads off.

Robert and Chris just shake their heads at us.

"Do you want to change? I'm going to." Scarlett says. I think for a moment, about how long I've been in these clothes for.
"Yeah I probably should change."
"Where are you staying?"
"Just down the road. Why?"
"We can quickly run down to yours, I've got a change of clothes in my bag." She suggests.
"Yeah that's a good idea. What should I wear?"
"Anything, as long as it's relatively tidy. Not sweatpants"

I laugh at her response. I have a nice dress in my suitcase, that I packed just in case I would need it. It goes just past my knees, and has a beautiful tropical pattern on it.

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