28. water attack

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Chapter 28 (8/11/2015)
Real life

My footsteps are too loudly on the concrete floor as I sneak through the studio corridors with Anthony and Seb in sunglasses by my side. They have dressed in all camo as if they're going on a secret spy mission, whereas I'm in my usual clothes. Because I'm not mad.

We creep around the corners getting some very odd looks from crew members. With water guns in hand, fully loaded I might add, we run straight into Joe and Anthony Russo as they discuss what will need to be filmed next.
"Oh sorry! Wait what are you doing?" Joe asks. He scans us up and down as if he is part of border security at the airport.
"Umm we were just... um" I stutter. I don't know what to tell him to be honest. We must look like madmen and a madwoman. I mean, we are holding water guns in a film studio after all.

"These are props for a scene." Mackie tries to persuade them. Anthony Russo flips his notebook in attempt to find a scene that requires water guns. Obviously, he is unsuccessful.
"Really!" We reply in unison. Joe gives us an unsure look.
"Why are you two dressed as if you're going hunting?" He questions pointing at Mackie and Seb's ridiculous, crazy outfits, that I told them not to wear by the way.
"Fun?" Seb shrugs.
"Ok, well have fun with... whatever you're doing." Joe adds, and walks away with his brother.

"Well that went well." I glare at Seb and Mackie. They give me 'sorry' glances, and go back to staring at their feet. I roll my eyes, and start to drag them to our studio, where an unsuspecting Tom is filming a scene with Robert, and the Marisa Tomei. Hopefully she doesn't get caught in the crossfire. That would be a pickle.

We reach the door. I nod silently to Mackie, who opens it carefully to not make too much noise, or any at all. We succeed in this, and slide in undetected. I lead them around the back of the camera crew, giving them a widening stare as Seb almost trips over a wire. Fred, one of the camera operators sees us. But instead of tattling on us, he gives us a cheeky wink and waves us on. I grin at him.

We continue slipping around props and lights until we get to the fake window that the set designers have made for the scene. I stand behind it, with Seb and Mackie on the other side. I can see into it. I have a perfect view of Tom as he does the scene, which is very handy for my plan.

I hear Joe and Anthony call cut, evidently back from their walk. Robert gives Tom an praising pat on the back. I raise my watergun, listening to the little bubbles of water as they pop, and aim it smack bang in the centre of Tom's chest. And... I shoot.

"Agh!" He screams. Mackie and Seb take their shots at him, each getting him in the chin with powerful shots. I keep shooting him in the chest, soaking the shirt he has on. Don't worry, I got permission from the costume department before hand. The sudden bursts of water seemingly coming from nowhere have cause quite the chaos on set, with first ADs in a hurry to escape the blasts, and Robert scurrying away laughing. I let out an evil giggle. I prepare to shoot again. Then suddenly, the watergun is snatched out of my hands.

"Hey!" I shout. Joe flips the water gun in his hands, inspecting the tip.
"Not bad." He nods. Then before I know it, he points it at me and pulls the trigger. I scream as the cold water hits my face, dribbling down onto my chest. He shoots me a few more times before turning to Mackie and Seb who are laughing their heads. Their laughter quickly goes silent and transforms into expressions of fear, as Joe points the gun at them. They run away clutching their guns to their chests as Joe shoots them in the back.

I sprint around to the set in order to escape, but unfortunately am met by Robert.
"Hello Cam. I found her guys!" He shouts behind him. He pulls me by the arm to where Tom, Anthony, Chris, and Joe are standing in a circle. I fail to hold back a laugh as I see Tom completely drenched in water with his hair stuck in random places over his forehead.

"Where did Seb and Mackie go?" I ask.
"They had to go and change. They were soaked!" Joe says with a laugh, but he stops when he gets a glare from his brother.
"What was the reason for this Cam?" Anthony questions.
"When we went sightseeing a few days ago, which was wonderful by the way, Tom gave me an oreo that had toothpaste as the filling instead of cream. It was vile. So I decided to get my revenge on him." I reply proudly. Anthony and Chris laugh at the story, but Tom gives me a death stare. He'll be over it in a hour. I'm willing to bet.

"But that was just a biscuit Cam! Why did you have to drench me in water?!" Tom exclaims.
"Because you ruined oreos for me!" I yell back.
"They're just oreos! I've never even seen you eat oreos before!" My jaw drops.
"I love oreos! I've loved them my whole life!" I declare.
"I'm not a liar Holland!"
"Ok guys chill it's just oreos." Chris says. He pulls Tom back from me as he edges closer. I raise my chin.
"Can you both say sorry to one another and move on?" Anthony sighs.
"Sorry Tom."
"Sorry Cam."
"Alright now, Tom go and get changed. Cam, just, i don't know return the water guns to wherever you found them. Neither of you are to retaliate!" Joe says sternly. I grin cheekily, and take the water guns from him.

Just as I'm leaving the studio on my trek back to the props department, Chris grabs my arm.
"Well done Cam. Tom deserved it."
"Yes, he did. How dare he ruin oreos for me." I laugh.

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