47. spiderman lunchboxes

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camrynoak: Beautiful Seoul🤩

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camrynoak: Beautiful Seoul🤩

"Right this way Cam!"
"Oh thank you!" I smile as I desperately try to wind my way around the cameras to where the interview is being held. Don't get me wrong, I love doing interviews. But there are so many cameras.

I'm lead into a medium sized room that has a long table in the middle. Six chairs have been placed around it strategically. One already hosts a friendly looking man, who glances down at cards in his hand nervously.

"Hey!" I start. The man's fearful expression vanishes and a warm smile lights up his eyes.
"Hello! It's lovely to meet you!"
"A fellow Brit, I see." I laugh. He nods, and stands up to shake my hand.
"Are you a bit nervous?" He nods again with a chuckle.
"Don't worry, so am I. It never gets less scary, apparently."
"That's nice to hear from you." We grin at each other.

I hear a 'wowowoah' sound from behind the door, and then a small crash and groans from a few different people, making me frown in confusion. Then, a brown haired boy stumbles into the room. Holland.
"Oh hey Cam!"
"Did you fall over?" I laugh. He goes to shake his head, but Benedict, Pom and the other Tom walk in behind him.
"Yes he did."
"You look great!" I give them all a long hug.

We all move over to the table, and sit down, with Tom and I at opposite ends.
"Welcome to Korea!" The host welcomes us. I glance down at the delicious smelling bowls and plates in front of me, already feeling my stomach grumble with hunger.
"Thank you!" Benedict responds. The Toms are doing the same thing as me, and Pom is staring intently at a bowl of what seems to be pears.

"How are you guys feeling? How is it to be in Korea?"
"It's great!"
"Feeling very hungry now!" I laugh. As if on cue, my stomach lets out a growl, making the table crack up.
"Now that all the food is in front of you?"
"Yes! And it all smells so delicious!" I reply enthusiastically.

"So have any of you been to Korea before?"
"This is my third visit." Tom Hiddleston answers. Next is the younger Tom.
"Second visit!"
"Newbie!" Benedict says. I nod my head.
"Yeah same."
"And I'm not sure, maybe when I was little. It's a weird answer I know!" Pom laughs.

We all talk for a bit about various Korean foods we've tried, the main one being bibimbap and Korean barbecue. It all sounds so yummy!
"So today we will be trying some very traditional Korean food. This is called a kimbap, and it's kind of like the equivalent of a sandwich." The man tells us more about the origin of the word, and what's in each flavour.
"So if you were a kid going to school you'd just get one of these in your packed lunch?" Holland questions.

"You've got to have SpiderMan on that lunch box though!" Hiddleston jokes.
"Ah yeah, I actually did have a SpiderMan lunchbox."
"I think I had a SpiderMan lunchbox."
"I actually have a SpiderMan toothbrush. Now!" Holland laughs.
"Did you have a SpiderMan lunchbox Cam?" Pom asks me.
"No, sadly. I had black widow on my lunchbox though!"

A tray of drinks get passed around the table. There's one called Banana Wuyou, which I'm told I like banana milk. I try it. It's so, so good.
"Oh that's good!" I exclaim. Pom laughs next to me.
"I approve this! I like this a lot!" Tom Holland says, about the Milkis can he has just taken a long sip from.

I decide to go for the cream cheese kimbap. It has radish in it as well, but I was definitely thinking that the pork cutlet one looked good. The first bite of my kimbap sends off fireworks in my mouth. It's delicious! It's really different when you hit the cream cheese, and the radish compliments it beautifully.

The rest of the lunch is spent increasing my knowledge of Korea, especially the cuisine and joking around with one another. The highlight for me was when Tom Hiddleston accidentally hit Benedict's nose with his banana milk carton.

I still can't believe that this is my life. I mean, I'm getting paid to do fun interviews with people all over the world and eat scrumptious lunches from incredible cuisines. Sometimes, I just have to stop, and think about how lucky I am to be doing this.

I'm so happy I submitted that tape on the 6th of March, 2015.

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