64. still in love, with you

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before you read I just wanted to say a massive, humongous, gigantic thank you to everyone who reads this. we're at 11.7k reads guys. that's incredible. thank you so much, I love you all. this is a dream.

also, just a quick authors note kinda thing. I was thinking of redesigning the cover for this story, but I wanted some input from you guys.

what do you think the new name should be?

leave a comment here!!

ok bye xx


I huff out a drawn breath as I stroll into the Shangri-La Studio. The cold air hits my face instantly, making me forget all about the long lasting summer heat outside.

I mean honestly, I thought England was hot in the last months of summer.

The chilled room is adorned with different paintings of different genres, a fair few being old pop art. I make my way up the elevator, and finally get to the studio. My hands are shaking so much.

Here we go, you got this, you've done this heaps, come on...

I twist open the brass knob, and walk in.

Just as I imagined, there is a fairly large group of people all gathered around in strange seating positions. The main person I see, is Harry. And to no surprise, he's hanging over the edge of the couch with luminous pink sunglasses on that contrast directly to his blue t-shirt.

He immediately jumps up from the couch and runs over to me, picking me up in a warm hug.
"Cam's here guys! It's getting real!" He shouts.

"Says the singer songwriter of like, 8 years." I smirk.

"Ooh, she's sassy today! We're gonna make good music!" Harry sings out, before ruffling my hair, and falling dramatically back onto the couch. He wiggles his sunglasses up and down in a goofy manner.

I laugh, and walk over to a seat in the corner, placing my book on the coffee table

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I laugh, and walk over to a seat in the corner, placing my book on the coffee table. There's a gorgeous vase of orchids on the table, that work perfectly with the vibe of this room.

"So, what's been happening since we last saw you?" Harry asks.

I see he's sitting up again now, and has taken off his sunglasses. I breathe out.

I mean, not much has happened apart from the small fact that my best friend of 4 years is mad at me. So not much.

"Honestly, not much. But I wrote a few songs, so that's good."

"Ooh, let's hear them."

I nod shakily, and reach for my journal on the table. I flip to the right page, and start singing.

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