2. fingers crossed

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Chapter 2 (6/3/2015)
Real life

A crowd of students file out onto the playground. The tedious day has come to an end. Thank god. I meet Nadia at the bus lines, where around 50 other kids stand waiting. The bus is always late, much to my displeasure. I push my way through to the front. Nadia grabs my arm, and pulls me over to where she is standing by herself.

"Finally, I was beginning to think you had disappeared." She says with a laugh.
"Haha, you should be a comedian." I say as I roll my eyes.
"Aw come on, Cammy whammy." I give her a glare as she says this. She returns it with a stupid grin. She knows how much I hate being called that.
"It's Camryn." I say.
"I know. Can we stand somewhere else, I think Max forgot to put on deodorant." Nadia says, wrinkling her nose. The boy behind us, Max, smells of B.O. He's in Nadia's year. I can't wait until I'm out of year 9. Only a few months left luckily.

We walk over to the gates where the bus has just pulled up. One by one, we file into the limited seats. Nadia and I manage to get our usual seats, right at the back. It's a short ride to our stop, only about 15 minutes with traffic. Nadia goes through her messages while I read over my lines again. I've almost got them memorised. The bus pulls up and we get out. Blackheath Village is busy as usual, people bustling about buying their groceries.

We go past Greggs, trying to resist the delicious smell of the sausage rolls. We fail. Nadia and I run in and grab a sausage roll each, as well a doughnut for good measure. Afterwards we begin the walk to my house. We wind through the alleyways and paths, through a small park and trees and then we arrive on my street. It's a quaint street, with lovely flowers all over the fences. The door to my house swings open, and my mum walks out holding a plate of biscuits, fresh out of the oven. She works as a baker, so her treats are always good.

"Come on in you two, it's still quite chilly outside." My mum says, waving us in. My mouth waters at the smell of the shortbread biscuits.

"Thank you, Lisa!" Nadia says. My mum gives her a warm smile. Nadia's always at our house.
We both dump our bags at the door and run upstairs. Our footsteps sound like an elephant stampede.

"What are you guys doing?" Mum questions.
"We're gonna do the audition tape now. We've been practicing our lines all day." I tell her, swaying in my place. She smiles brightly.
"Ok, well, I'll cut up some fruit for you and bring it up in a bit." She says. I beam at her.
"Thanks mum!" I say, and bounce up the stairs, taking two at a time.
"Slowly, Cam!" My mum reminds me.

Once in my room, Nadia and I get straight to work. We set up the camera, and attempt to hang a curtain against the wall for a plain white background. It fails horribly at first, but after a few times we get it perfect. I go over my lines in my head.

It's a good scene actually, plenty of emotion tracing the words I have to say. My character is arguing with the other person. It doesn't actually say their names, because it's Marvel and they're very secretive.

Nadia and I run through the scene a few times, and then we start recording. It actually goes really well. We do about 7 tapes, and then pick the best one. My mum brings in some fruit, just as we press send on the email. I squeal with excitement. If you get through the first round of auditions, you'll get an email on Monday next week.

Fingers crossed.

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