“I think that maybe that was a bit much,” Lisa confessed, making a face which told Chaeyoung that she was less than impressed with what she’d said. “Do I always say things like that?”

“Yes,” Chaeyoung said, unable to prevent her smile from growing even wider at Lisa’s newfound discomfort. “It’s one of the things that I love most about you.”

“It doesn’t make you cringe?” Lisa asked finally opening both her eyes to look at the taller girl. “Quite the opposite,” Chaeyoung assured her, shaking her head.

“You make me feel like one of the characters in those books that you enjoy reading so much, like I’m the centre of someone’s whole entire universe, like I’m special, like I’m worthy of you wasting a hundred beautiful words on. You make me feel like someone Lili. I could achieve nothing else in my life from this moment on and I’d still feel like the most successful person in existence because out of everyone alive at this very moment in time, I was the only one lucky enough to make you fall in love with them.” She wrapped her arms back around Lisa’s waist and pulled her into her body powerfully, connecting their lips together again in a kiss which left no room for any further doubt on her opinion regarding the matter.

“Did that make you cringe?” Chaeyoung questioned, relinquishing Lisa’s mouth but placing another delicate kiss over her scar.

“No,” Lisa answered truthfully. “Quite the opposite,” she added mimicking Chaeyoung’s tone from moments ago. One corner of Chaeyoung’s mouth turned up into a smirk and Lisa stepped back out of Chaeyoung’s arms slightly. “Come with me,” Lisa said simply. Her tone was undemanding and easy, more of a question than a command, but when she held out her right hand for Chaeyoung to take, she was powerless to refuse it.

“Anywhere,” Chaeyoung answered, all playfulness gone as she placed her hand in Lisa’s open and waiting one. “Lead the way.” Lisa closed her fingers around Chaeyoung’s hand and turned on the spot, pulling on her girlfriend’s arm gently as she led them back up the steps in the direction of the building where the dance was still currently underway. They could hear the distant sound of music as it escaped in to the night around them, the deep bass accosting their ears almost as soon as they’d emerged from their private sanctuary along with the sound of Jisoo’s worried voice.

“Lisa!” Jisoo called, evidently relieved at apparently having located her friend. “Where the hell have you been?” she asked, making her way over to the younger girl, closing the distance between the two of them hurriedly. Lisa paused in her tracks and turned to watch as Chaeyoung moved out from behind her and in to view. “Oh,” Jisoo said, finally noticing Chaeyoung was with her. She glanced down at Lisa and Chaeyoung’s entwined hands and smiled to herself. “I see…”

“Jesus Jisoo,” Chaeyoung returned from her position beside Lisa, shaking her head at the obvious leap Jisoo’s brain had made, “seriously?”

“What?” Jisoo asked shrugging unapologetically. “For all I know that’s how you two make up after a fight…”

“Ok firstly, we didn’t have a fight…” Chaeyoung protested and Jisoo lifted an eyebrow disbelievingly.

“Yeah, ok.” Jisoo cut her off, scoffing loudly, evidently not buying it.

“We didn’t,” Lisa supported, casting a brief look in Chaeyoung’s direction before turning her attention to Jisoo.

“Hey! Your speech is back!” Jisoo said happily, holding out her arms to either side dramatically on hearing Lisa’s input in to the conversation.

“No shit,” Lisa responded blithely, shaking her head at Jisoo’s need to state the obvious.

“That was quick,” she said winking at her best friend. “Are you seriously going to try and tell me that you and Chaeyoung didn’t…you know…” she suggested evasively, appearing amused with herself.

Trials and Tribulations [Chaelisa]Where stories live. Discover now