Chapter 23

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Chaeyoung walked up the now familiar path towards Lisa’s front door, pausing momentarily before it to ring the bell. She could hear the sound of loud footsteps descending the stairs noisily, followed by a large thud and then a muttered curse. Chaeyoung made a face as she heard it and then the front door opened quickly, rattling her slightly as a rather flustered looking Lisa appeared on the other side.

“Problem?” Chaeyoung asked amused as Lisa beckoned her into the house with a wave. She was bent in two and slightly out of breath. Lisa pushed herself up into standing, resting both her hands on her knees to assist and closed the door behind Chaeyoung who now stood in the hall.

“I just almost fell down the stairs,” Lisa told her seriously. “My whole life flashed before my eyes….” She lifted her gaze to look at Chaeyoung who was watching her in fascination. “Again,” Lisa added after a moment a small smile creeping on to her lips at the awful attempt at a joke.

“Ahh,” Chaeyoung said a wide grin spreading across her face. “There’s my girlfriend.” She reached out to take Lisa’s hand in her own as she said, “I guess you and Jisoo found a way to switch back huh?”

“Yeah,” Lisa replied a playful glint in her eyes. “You do not want to know what I had to go through to get rid of her….presence” She said, pausing for a moment to consider the right word to use. “Presence.” Lisa lifted her hand out of Chaeyoung’s to wave it in front of her dismissively. “Let’s just say that it consisted of drinking an extremely odd tasting concoction she created.” Lisa informed her.

“I feel like you kind of liked it though,” Chaeyoung responded knowingly.

“I never said it was awful,” Lisa acknowledged. “It was just weird…I can drink weird.”

“Would you drink it again?” Chaeyoung asked her laughing.

“Of course,” Lisa replied deadly serious.

“So where is Jisoo?” Chaeyoung asked. “I thought she was getting ready here?”

“She’s upstairs,” Lisa said as she turned to make her way back over to the bottom of the stairs. She held on to the bannister as she called up to her friend.

“Jisoo!” Lisa shouted. “Chaeyoung’s here! Let’s go!” Chaeyoung raised her eyebrow at Lisa as she made her way back over to her.

“You seem different,” she said trying to put her finger on what had changed. “Have you taken something?” Chaeyoung asked her. Lisa pulled on the waistband of Chaeyoung’s jeans, tugging her closer to her and kissing her on the lips in greeting.

“No more than usual,” she said as they parted and she winked mischievously at Chaeyoung as she made her way over the coat rack to collect her brown leather jacket.

“Did they change your anti depressants?” Chaeyoung asked as Lisa shrugged it on over her shoulders.

“No,” Lisa said laughing as she pulled her hair out of the back of it and swept the long locks over to one side, “I’m just excited, that’s all.” She said honestly as Jisoo appeared. Chaeyoung waved at Jisoo in greeting from where she stood.

“Hey,” Jisoo said returning the gesture as she started to descend the stairs in what was a much more elegant fashion then Lisa probably had.

“Has she been like this since I dropped you both off after school?” Chaeyoung asked Jisoo pointing at Lisa with her right hand.

“Pretty much,” Jisoo confirmed. “I think it might have something to do with all the sugar that I put in her drink.”

“Oh come on guys,” Lisa protested. “This is going to be fun! I’m allowed to be excited, aren’t I?”

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