two; burning up & out

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love is like the wild rose-briar,
friendship like the holly-tree
the holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms
but which will bloom most constantly?
- love and friendship; emily bronte

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September 1st, 1971 - 

Aria spent her meal quietly conversing with Remus and laughing at James and Sirius's boisterous jokes. Soon enough, she found herself in the dorm room without her brother for the first time in her life, and quite frankly it felt weird. The four girls all selected their beds and were unpacking in silence when the blonde girl clapped her hands loudly, drawing the attention of the other three.

"This is incredibly awkward that we're so quiet so I'm just going to start talking. Oh and by the way I'm Marlene McKinnon."

The brunette looked up from a pile of robes and smiled dreamily, offering a small wave, "Alice Fortescue."

"As in the ice cream parlor?" Marlene demanded eagerly. 

Alice nodded, giggling slightly, "Yes, my uncle owns it."

"That's so cool," she grinned brightly.

"My dad loves Fortescue," Aria inputted with a small smile, her mind drifting to her mum and dad. She shook her head slightly and offered a slight wave accompanied by a soft smile, "Aria Potter."

Lily wrinkled her nose at that, "Your brother is rather annoying."

Aria spun on her foot to look at the redhead, "Excuse me?"

"He was," she huffed, pulling out a fat book. "He was incredibly rude to Sev for no reason."

"He grows on you, I promise," she rolled her hazel eyes slightly, before narrowing them as the redhead scoffed. "Besides, your friend Sev also insulted Gryffindor House, which by the way you are now in. James took that as a slight against our parents who were Gryffindors. Yes James was rude to him, but your friend wasn't any bit pleasant either."

The other two exchanged confused glances, before Marlene hurried to change the topic, sensing they were entering dangerous waters, distracting Aria by asking her about her brother.

"James is," Aria sighed, looking for a word. "Infuriating, hilarious, incredible, and a prat all in one. He's incredibly overbearing at times, is always joking or pulling pranks, can be incredibly rash, and is always in trouble. But he's my best friend, he's my other half, and I don't know what I'd do without him."

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