seven; catnip & potions partners

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loving him is like trying to change your mind
once you're already flying through the free fall
like the colors in autumn, so bright, just before they lose it all
- red; taylor swift

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October 29th, 1974 -

October was one of the best times of the year because it brought hues of orange and red into the leaves and chilly wind and rain as the ends of summer faded into autumn. The castle was decorated in orange and black in honor of Halloween, with banners draped carelessly across the walls and pumpkins dangling from the ceiling and scattered across the grounds. The month of October passed by in a blur faster than the howling winds that signified the start of a new season. 

"I love October," Marlene sighed, inhaling deeply as the girls entered the Great Hall for breakfast. "Pumpkins and cinnamon and candy, it's all just amazing."

The Hall smelt faintly of spices as it did throughout the entire holiday season from October till December. It felt warm and cozy, it reminded Aria of baking in the kitchen with her mum, it felt like home. 

Alice wrinkled her nose, "I hate pumpkin, and I really don't understand how people could like it."

"It's an acquired taste," Lily agreed, spooning some yogurt and fruit into a bowl. 

Aria hummed in agreement as she poured a large cup of coffee, "I'm not the biggest fan of it, it just depends on the dish."

"Ok that's enough coffee," Lily chided, grabbing the pot away from the exhausted raven haired girl. 

"But I'm tired," Aria grumbled, slamming her head onto the table. 

"I'm going to head to the Greehouses early," Alice said as she swung off the bench and stood up. "Anyone want to join me?"

"Sure," Lily nodded, dusting her fingers off. "Don't be late."

Marlene didn't bother to respond as she waved the pair off and bit into her muffin. The pair focused on their food, exchanging a few words, until the boys came stumbling into the Great Hall, amusement written all over their faces. 

"What did you do now?" Marlene sighed good-naturedly. 

"What makes you think we did anything?" Peter retorted.

James nodded fiercely," Yeah we're completely innocent!" 

"Even I doubt that," Remus snorted under his breath.

"You look rather suspicious," Aria pointed out, narrowing her eyes and pointing her fork in her brother's direction. "Running into the hall laughing your heads off? It's obvious, now spill."

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