sixteen; we are the champions

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we are the champions, my friends
and we'll keep on fighting till the end
- we are the champions; queen

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April 1st, 1973 -

For perhaps the first time in his life, James Potter was serious on the first of April. If Aria didn't understand the significance of the day, she would have shipped him off to St. Mungo's hours ago. Instead she sat next to him, absentmindedly humming a tune under her breath and piling food on his plate, ignoring the way her own hands shook with nerves and excitement. 

"Eat up J," she instructed quietly, pushing the plate towards her brother who was staring determinedly ahead, his jaw clenched and his gaze burning holes into the wall behind the Slytherin table. 

"Honestly Potter," Lily scoffed, snapping her fingers in front of his face, successfully pulling him out of his daze. "Trying to intimidate the Slytherins isn't going to do anything. Instead, eat your food and for the first and only time in my life, I'll boost your ego and tell you that you're the best Chaser in this school if you get out of your head. Now suck up some of that infuriatingly annoying arrogance you normally possess and go win this bloody game."

James stared at Lily in unashamed awe while the other six were practically slack jawed as they watched her finish her speech, her cheeks slightly pink and her breath heavy. 

"Did Evans just curse?" Sirius gaped in shock, wincing when Marlene smacked his arm. "That fucking hurt McKinnon."

"Suck it up Black," she rolled her eyes as Lily simultaneously chided him for his language. 

Remus cleared his throat slightly catching Aria's attention at once. He gestured to her untouched plate with a stern gaze, unwavering as Aria sheepishly smiled. 

"I'm eating a slice of toast see," she retorted, waving the untouched toast in her hand, her second cup of coffee cradled in the other. 

Alice firmly grabbed the coffee out of her friend's hand, replacing it with an apple, as she calmly retorted, "And I won't let myself be at fault when you pass out and fall off your broom because you haven't eaten anything all day."

"Right you are Fortescue," Gideon grinned as he and his brother stopped behind the group of second years. 

"You two need to be down at the pitch in ten minutes," Fabian continued, before eyeing Aria hurriedly standing up. "Merlin's sake little Potter, after you eat something!"

"If you don't eat, we'll play someone else," Gideon threatened though everyone knew it was an empty threat, Aria easily outflew every Gryffindor who even attempted to try out for Gryffindor Seeker. She had easily won the position and proven herself, helping Gryffindor to more wins than they had seen in years. But today was Aria's first true test to see if she truly was the answer to Gryffindor's problems.

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