fifteen; an interlude - a glimpse into the mind of lily evans

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and we know it's never simple, never easy
never a clean break, no on here to save me
you're the only thing I know like the back of my hand
breathe; taylor swift

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January 30th, 1973 -

Lily Evans was always content, never truly happy. She was content to tag along with her sister's friends and be known as Petunia Evans's whimsical little sister. Till Severus came along and told her there was a whole new world that she belonged in, she was okay with being considered a mild disappointment, because sure she did well, but she didn't have the same focus as Petunia when it came to school, she'd much rather be using her imagination. But when she learned she was a witch and had a chance to be whimsical, she began to hope. Her parents were intrigued with what she was capable of when she learned, but Petunia and her grew apart, and still she was content.

Hogwarts wasn't all it was described as though, people were judgmental and cruel simply because of her heritage. And for once Lily wasn't content, she was lost and confused, so she tried to prove herself so for once in her life she'd feel like she could truly belong. But it didn't work because regardless of how brilliant of a witch she was, to everyone else she'd always be a mudblood. 

From the time James Potter insulted Severus, she'd assumed she'd despise the Potter twins forever. But then Aria Potter ended up her roommate and she was forced to interact with her. Then the girl saved Lily when she was truly drowning, because while she was so desperately trying to prove herself, she forgot to live a little. And when Aria Potter took the time to comfort a girl who was so cruel to her simply because she didn't like her brother, Lily Evans was for the first time in her life truly happy. 

Because Aria noticed, even when Severus didn't. A boy she had known for so long could care less about the fact that she was struggling to fit in, rather making his own friends. But Aria, a girl she had given a cold shoulder to, reached out and helped her.

Because to Lily Evans, that was the beauty of Aria Potter, the sort of incomparable compassion she held, or the way her smile truly lit up the world. Somewhere in her heart, Lily knew that Aria Potter was her savior who stopped her from spiraling, and perhaps that's why she'd eternally be grateful for the girl she had slowly started calling her best friend. 

And it was moments like this, when she woke up to a dorm decked out in streamers and balloons, presents sitting at the foot of her bed, her dorm mates quietly singing happy birthday next to her, that really proved to Lily Evans that Aria Potter was the kindest person to walk the planet. 

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