prologue; the start of an age

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it was the end of a decade,
but the start of an age
- long live; taylor swift

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September 1st, 1971 -

"Ari! ARI! WAKE UP!" James shouted as he grabbed a pillow and began hitting his sister's head with it in hopes that she'd get up.

However, that was not a good idea, as saying Aria loved sleep was an understatement. She hated waking up before it was fully bright outside, and she hated people waking her up even more. Both were mistakes James made that day. 

She swatted the pillow away weakly and grumbled, "Go away James."

"No can do sister dearest, we leave for Hogwarts today."

She buried her face in her pillow and groaned, "The sun's not even out yet J."

"But we need to pull a prank before we leave. It would be an utter tragedy, a horrible turmoil if we don't," he pleaded dramatically whilst jumping on her bed.

"Lovely vocabulary, but we can still play the prank in a few hours or when it's fully light outside."

"No can do," he replied giddily, yanking her duvet off her, exposing herself to the morning chill. She curled up into a tight ball, pawing at the blankets, becoming increasingly grumpy at her brother's antics. 

"How can you even be awake at this hour, let alone this energetic?"

"It's Hogwarts! How could you not be excited?"

"I'm excited, but not excited enough to be awake at the crack of dawn."

"I'll go get some water then," he threatened, beginning to leave the room, her white duvet trailing after him like a wedding gown.

"I'm up, I'm up," she finally groaned while rubbing her eyes. 

Looking out her window, she saw the pinks and yellows swirled though the blue grey hues. She turned to her brother with a glare, while he was simply trying to muster up an innocent look, but  he simply looked constipated, which only caused her glare to fade into a laugh.

"Are you ready for pranking?" James asked only to have his smirk mirrored back at him. 

James Fleamont Potter and Aria Euphemia Potter were a mischievous duo. Aria's innocent appearance and James's knack for trouble helped them pull off the most atrocious pranks possible. The twins knew they were stronger together, thus never truly fighting. Sure, Aria would scold James often when she thought his pranks went too far, but that was the extent of their fighting. Even though Aria had a very calm demeanor and several times would prefer books and tranquility to reckless mischief and chaos and James was pure havoc, they never seemed to disagree except for the occasional squabble. But those who angered or hurt one twin would have to deal with the other, because they were fiercely protective over each other, James especially due to Aria being his 'little sister'. Each one completed and complemented the other, they needed the other half of their duo to thrive. They were lucky children. Their parents were older than most and always thought they'd never be able to have a child, but were blessed with not only one, but twins. They loved their children more than words could describe and spoiled them rotten. The kids knew that and were incredibly grateful for the lives they lived. They made sure their parents knew how much they appreciated them, but it didn't stop them from pranking them, and that is exactly how the morning of September first of 1971 began. 

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