twenty one; sisterly advice & christmastime

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you're the only friend I need (you're the only friend I need)
sharing beds like little kids (sharing beds like little kids)
and laughing 'til our ribs get tough (laughing 'til our ribs get tough)
but that will never be enough (that'll never be enough)
ribs; lorde

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December 4th, 1973 -

"Sirius Orion Black I swear to Merlin if you don't let me walk by myself!" Aria whined as Sirius helped her onto the train to return home from Christmas.

"It's your fault you're being so bloody stubborn and refusing crutches!" he retorted.

"Ari you realize you had your bones in your leg vanished and regrown just three days ago?" Lily raised an eyebrow. "I hate to admit it, but Black is actually doing the right thing. Your foot is still twice the size it normally is."

Sirius let go of Aria, causing her to wince and grab Lily's arm, as he dramatically clutched his heart, "The world must be ending! Lily Evans said I, Sirius Black, am doing the right thing."

"Well now you're not doing the right thing," Marlene said dryly, pointing to the raven-haired girl gripping Lily's arm.

Sirius smiled softly, mumbling his apologies as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders for her to lean into him. 

"I should have just let J fall off his broom," she grumbled. "Now I have to go to a bloody dance next week with this useless ankle."

"Just keep off your foot the first few days of holiday and the swelling will go down," Remus shrugged.

"At least you're not a Muggle," Peter pointed out. "Then you'd have to be in a cast and use crutches for months.

"Thank Merlin for magic," James praised energetically. 

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By the time Christmas Eve hit, Aria woke up with only a slight limp. After dousing a cup of coffee and having a very amusing and very late breakfast of waffles with her family, she disappeared into her room to get ready. Her hair was pulled up into an elegant knot and she wore an off the shoulder, a-line black dress. She made her way downstairs to find her brother messing up his hair. 

Mirth danced on her lips as she said, "I don't know why you insist on messing your hair up when it's already so naturally messy."

"I am not trying to mess my hair up," he protested.

"Then why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not," he hesitated. "I don't know why am so nervous."

"Can I give you some advice J?"

intoxicating love → sirius blackМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя