ten; study sessions with sirius black

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we've traveled the seas, we've ridden the stars, we've seen everything from saturn to mars
as much as it seems like you own my heart, it's astronomy, we're two worlds apart
- astronomy; conan gray

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November 17th, 1974 -

The high the whole of Gryffindor House was on after the Quidditch match was quickly stamped out. November meant one thing, and that was drilling in all the material from the past two months while simultaneously covering new material in preparation for the exams they were required to take before Christmas approached. In other words, November seemed to inch by as everyone desperately tried counting down the days till Christmas. 

There was still Quidditch practice and pranking to look forward to, but even then, the time for those things was so little that they were forced to greatly limit the amount of time spent on fun activities. It seemed that this year, they were being worked ten times harder, whether it be the difficulty of the work catching up to the fourth years or the fact that teachers expected so much more the closer and closer they got to their first round of official testing, the OWLs, which would take place at the end of fifth year. But even though OWLs were over a year away, teachers were still keeping their noses in their books constantly, as they constantly reminded the students that OWLs were approaching and the year and a half would go by like a month. 

This meant long hours working on essays and reviewing old ones at the same time, practicing new spells while trying to remember the old ones, and nonstop studying. The library was so crowded on most days, it was nearly impossible to find a seat unless you were one of the first ones there. 

With Lily as a friend though, managing homework was always rather straightforward. Lily was the opposite of a procrastinator, and she was one to make sure all her friends' work was not only complete, but up to her standards. And if a paper was up to Lily's standards, then the girls were likely to pass the class, so they were all grateful for Lily. 

The girls had a system. Lily was there to make sure everyone was getting their work done properly, Marlene made sure everyone was eating enough, Alice ensured that they were taking plenty breaks and not overworking, and Aria played peacemaker, making sure the fights stayed at a low as stress and emotions were at a high. 

It was rather strange at first of how four girls with such strong personalities not only coexisted, but thrived together so phenomenally. But they were really four pieces to a puzzle, missing pieces to a whole, they functioned best with each other, making sure everyone was performing at their peak. 

So no matter how many times they all exploded or broke down, there was someone there to make sure they were doing okay and getting them back onto the right track immediately. Despite the fact that all four girls were naturally bright in different ways, their system was what they credited their success at school to. 

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