CHAPTER XI - When the night comes ...

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Jorge was standing on the Seagull's bridge, trying to ignore the tremor of his legs. Wrapped in his large cape, shivering behind his lantern, he was sweeping grim images out of his mind.

- I'm brave. I'm a bear, I have nothing to fear, I am the beasty one over here. I'm brave.

As he repeated these words in a loop, he tried to bulge his torso, to inflate his muscles. Jorge had always been very good at fighting, because the fruit he had eaten had increased his strength more than he could have possibly imagine. Still, he wasn't really appreciating that. On the contrary, the series of victories he had added pressure on his shoulders. He was terrified by the very idea of defeat, and was particularly sissy. He was a great joker who enjoyed life, but also a coward, a secret that no one was informed of.

Even if he was eight feet tall, alone in this jungle, while the sun was setting, he did not seem very confident.

-I'm brave. I'm a bear, I have nothing to fear, I am the beasty one over here. I'm brave.

He was clutching in his hand a small folded paper : it was a photograph of his parents, the only thing left of them. It was spoiled, slightly torn at the corners (indeed, he was taking it with him everywhere he was going), but yet they had kept all their beauty. As he contemplated them, he felt his heart swell with pride and courage.

-I'm going to do it ! I'm going to protect Zell and Gully ! I'm going to defeat those who show up with all my might ! Ah !

As if in response to this aplomb, a howl rose in the jungle : not a human howl, but that of a beast that was thought to be ferocious and dangerous.

- I'm not brave! I'm not brave ! cried Jorge as he rushed into the vice-admiral's room. He locked himself in, sobbing and hoping that his comrades would return quickly.


The other group was silently proceeding through the dark forest. Arthur was at the head of the procession, holding his lantern at arm's length. Behind him, Haru and Jun were chatting in a low voice. Out of female solidarity, the two young recruits had befriended each other, Haru's natural goodness coming out, from time to time, on his melancholic comrade. Peck was flying in front, as a scout, and could inform the three soldiers if there was a problem.

Suddenly, the light of the moon, now high in the sky, seemed brighter. Trees with thick black trunks were becoming scarcer, and a clear path opened up in front of the explorers. It led them to a large wooden bridge, whose fragile planks were connected by thick ropes. Below, a river flowed into a huge waterfall.

- Are you sure you want to go through this ? asked Jun hesitantly. I've never told you about it, but I'm scared of heights...

- Close your eyes and give me your hand, Haru replied. I will guide you.

Jun followed the young woman blindly. As they passed, the bridge seemed to swing more ardently, struck by the northern winds, but they reached their destination anyway. As she set foot on dry land, Jun opened her eyes wide and, contemplating the bridge, now behind her, sighed with great relief. Looking at the river, Arthur, trying to stay positive, said :

- At least we know where to find clean water. If the Vice-Admiral can get a map, we can go back to sea.

-You're very optimistic, said Haru. You forget that our dear shipwright is still suffering. It would not be prudent to sail without him seeing a doctor...

Arthur was well aware of this, however : he was terribly worried about his friend, but tried not to think about it. Once the Vice-Admiral found, they wouldn't risk anything. They would find a doctor and a map, collect enough water, and be able to go back to sea. He did not want to imagine any other ending for this adventure than a happy one.

Jun pulled him out of his thoughts by brutally grabbing his arm.

-Arthur, watch out !

A gigantic bird of prey had targeted the group, and was swooping towards them. The young soldier drew his golden blade, ready to neutralize the threat. He had to take responsibility as the second-in-command and protect his comrades.

- Take shelter in the forest, I'll take care of it ! Given its wingspan, it won't be able to follow you.

But as the two girls ran towards the tall trees, they suddenly froze.

- Looks like it's not going to be possible! Jun shouted at him.

In front of them, coming from the forest, a large animal was advancing. His head was protected by three large ivory horns, and he looked bad.

- We're going to take care of this horny boy, said Haru, grabbing Daisy by the neck. Take care of the raptor !

The gigantic bird was covered with crimson feathers, and its pointy beak was as sharp as a spear. He gained momentum and charged Arthur, whom he undoubtedly considered a worm.

- Bouclier sacré : Ancilia ! cried the young soldier, brandishing his blade in front of him.

He had particularly worked on this defensive posture. By wielding his blade in front of him, resting on his right leg, he was able to protect himself from the most powerful enemy attacks, despite his slim build. The bird's huge beak collided with the golden blade, and Arthur managed to push him back, but he was distracted by a cry behind him :

- Watch out ! cried Haru.

The horned beast was dashing on the two young women, and they quickly dodged by leaping to its sides. Jun looked at the animal with all her attention, and her eyes lingered on his back. As an experienced cook, Jun knew animal anatomy.

- I think I know how to get rid of it ! Its defensive apparatus is located on its head, so his back must be its weak point.

Haru nodded. She grasped her partner Daisy in her hand, and the snake, naturally, stiffened : its reptilian body was now straight, mimicking the shape of a bow. Two thin cords were tied to its tail and neck, and the young woman drew an arrow. Calm and serene, she took her time to aim while the beast charged them, and finally let her arrow go when the animal was only a few feet away : the perfect shot reached the target right in the eye. Blinded, it screamed and struck the air with its massive horns, but it was too late : Jun had leaped behind the beast, and removed her cape. A belt was tied at her waist, to which were attached six kitchen knives. She drew the third and dashed on him :

- Gyuto hocho: Sogi-giri !

The back of the beast was immediately cut into two huge fillets of pink flesh. It collapsed as Jun fell to the ground, wiping her bloody blade in a cloth.

Arthur gave them a satisfied smile, but had to focus on his own fight : the bird was charging back, ready to perforate his enemy with his beak. Arthur raised his sword above his head and closed his eyes. To defeat an enemy of this size, his most powerful attack would be necessary. He took a deep breath and stood still, focusing on the silence that surrounded him. When he felt the raptor close enough, he wielded his blade in a lightning-fast downward motion.

- Anzû, l'oiseau-tonnerre !

The bird, as if struck by thunder, was pulverized. The wooden bridge swung, the earth beneath them cracked, and the trees all around were destroyed. Crimson feathers showered from the sky. Arthur looked at his blade, stunned. He had spent years perfecting this technique, secretly, but had never tried it on a real enemy. During his confrontation with Hector, he had been tempted to do so, and today thanked heaven for having swept this idea out of his mind. He dared not imagine what would have happened if he had pulverized his rival. Haru and Jun, who had fallen backwards, looked at each other. This young man who was in front of them deserved, without a doubt, the lead of their group.

Suddenly the leaves rustled behind them, and then footsteps were heard. A girl came out of the forest, heading towards the bridge, and stopped when she saw them. They all looked at each other in silence, not knowing how to react. Arthur took his time to observe her, because her physique was atypical : she was very tall and athletic, and long brown hair went down to her waist. But what surprised him most was his eye : a unique eye, large and clear, in the middle of her face.

Facing the cyclop, the three comrades had no time to react. Behind her, others were coming...

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now