CHAPTER CLIX - Morgan's offer

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When Mugaro opened his eyes, he flinched at the sight of his nephew's face bent over him, looking grave. But as soon as he saw him come to life, his expression brightened and he hugged him :

- You are finally awake, Uncle ! I was so scared, seeing your body inert !

- Hataro... ? What happened ? I do not remember...

- Do not worry, nothing bad happened. You were just sleeping.

The Powath warrior sat up and looked around. Many others seemed to be waking from a deep sleep and rubbing their eyes.

- How long have you been home ? Where is your father ?

- We have not been back for a long time. I will tell you about our adventures, while father is talking to the rest of the group.


Arthur glanced at the crew's new bounties, then tore up the newspaper and threw the fragments into the flames. For the past year, the sums on their heads had been rising steadily. Some, like Zell and Haru (at everyone' surprise), were flattered by this and saw it as a recognition of their power. Others, like Jorge, couldn't stand the idea of being put on the same level as common pirates. And since Morgan's visit, the helmsman had not loosened his fist. Arthur wasn't looking away from him, seeking his eyes, but had to remain focused on the debate in progress.

- These pirates are dangerous people, Haru said in a firm tone. Whatever their intentions, they belong to the crew of an Emperor. Meddling with them will only add to our already long list of problems.

- I'm sorry, sweetie, but I don't agree with you at all ! Jane gasped, picking at her nails. The enemy we swore to defeat to free the world from his yoke is stronger than ever. You've read the papers, right ? Although it's never clearly stated, he's now putting pressure on the Elders. Let's put it plainly : he has just carried out a military putsch and risen to the position of the most powerful man in the world. Did you think we could defeat him without joining forces ?

- No, Haru exclaimed, getting up from her chair, but there are some alliances that are too dangerous to be truly acceptable !

Arthur kept looking at Jorge, searching his eyes to make contact, but he realized that a silence had fallen. Everyone was looking at him.

- We do not hear much from you, Captain. What do you think ?

Arthur looked at his friends one by one, then at the wooden table whose surface his hand was scratching. He realized that he was shaking, slightly. He couldn't realize the situation yet.

- I... Well, I don't really know, actually.

- You "don't know" ?

- No, I don't know. I mean... It is a hard decision to make.

He looked at them for a few more seconds, hoping that one of them would follow up. No one did.

- I just don't know, he concluded with a shrug. Could we just vote ?

- Vote ?

This proposal surprised them all. Not that Arthur was an undemocratic tyrant, but he usually made his decisions, like a captain, after consulting his friends. If he was leaving the choice to the majority, he must have been really distraught.

- I think we... should go, he said seriously.

- Very well, Haru breathed, looking at the others. Let's make a table turn. I vote against this alliance.

- You do ? Arthur said. Why, then ?

- First of all, because I do not think that a rapprochement with one of the four Emperors would be positive for our image as "neutral" rebels. And...

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now