CHAPTER CVI - Team A's true ambitions

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The battle had ended. The prisoners were clustered at the center of the camp, guarded by dozens of soldiers who were on were listening for the slightest rustle in the dark jungle. A few scouts were inspecting the area by torchlight, but the order had been given not to go too far : the southern forces would wait until dawn to resume their advance. For now, the officers had to take stock and rest.

Rear-admiral Kabber's wounds were more serious than expected : despite his strength and the powers conferred by his Fur Fur fruit, he had been no match for the Red Lion whose Garra had lacerated him. His white officer's coat, torn on all sides, was now stained red. As he was limping to his tent to sleep, he bellowed :

- Humpf ! I'll take care of these savages tomorrow... For now, I want to rest. The first one who will dare to disturb me will be heavily punished !

As he met Arthur and his two companions on his way, Kabber leaned heavily on the shoulder of the young soldier.

- Ah... Commodore ! I count on you to announce the capture of this Red Lion to the admiral. I'm going to bed. See you at dawn.

And as he disappeared into the shadows of his tent, Arthur threw a knowing glance at Zell and Lola. Everything was perfect. Without Kabber around, they had all night to implement their next move.

The Red Lion had been chained in the center of the camp, among the other prisoners. Five soldiers were keeping him at a safe distance from his men. Arthur approached slowly and as he passed, the Powathi warriors hissed menacingly. But with a scathing look, he silenced them and they cowered like wounded lions.

- I need to see the prisoner, Arthur announced with a clear voice.

- Well... you see him, sneered one of the guards without moving away.

Arthur took a moment to look at him with contempt. He tried to step forward slightly, but the soldier blocked his path with his spear.

- Sorry, Commodore, but I only take orders from rear-admiral Kabber. And his last orders were "don't let anyone near the Red Lion".

Arthur replied with a sly smile.

- I see... But didn't the rear-admiral say "the first one who dares to disturb me will be heavily punished" ?

The soldier stopped smiling and gave him a sheepish look.

- Well, he stammered, yes but...

- I only wish to interrogate this prisoner with my men. You can report it back to the rear-admiral at dawn, if you wish.

Before the guard could respond, Zell shoved him aside and walked over to the sleeping Red Lion.

- Keys ? he mumbled to the guards with a killer look.

The soldier gasped like a child and stammered a few incomprehensible words, but Arthur calmly put his hand on his shoulder.

- Colonel Madeira asked you something, I think. It would be better not to irritate him, he can be very unpleasant when he is in a bad mood...

Slowly, the guard pulled a key ring from his pocket and handed it to Zell, as if he were facing a wild beast ready to pounce on him at any moment. The shipwright freed the Powath leader, hoisted him onto his shoulders and dragged him along.

- Good night ! exclaimed Lola to the guards.

And as the three of them burst out laughing, they returned to their tent with the unconscious prisoner.


- There we go ! Lola sighed as all the pink liquid was sucked out of the prisoner's body. He should wake up soon.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now