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The calm had returned to Festiland and the breeze could be heard whistling again. The shouts of joy and elation of the spectators had for a time turned to cries of fear when the kingdom had revealed its terrible and monstrous nature, before becoming cries of encouragement when the golden knight had challenged the horrible King of Festiland. Most, though grateful to their saviors, had already set sail to flee this hellish place...

But the Fair Falcon was remaining in the harbor, like an exhausted bird takes time after a long flight to rest its wings. Inside, the crew members were sleeping like children. They had all been exhausted by their respective duels and were in dire need of rest. Arthur, as soon as the Clown King had sunk into the ocean, had collapsed. Everyone had run to his side to inquire about his condition, and had been surprised and pleased to find him smiling. He was not even conscious anymore, but still seemed happy. His faithful comrades had carried him to their ship and laid him down in the captain's cabin, on the large feather mattress that had once been Jane's. Peck had nestled against his neck, like a plush, and had not moved from there. Zell and Jorge, the golden knight's eternal pillars and protectors, had dozed off on either side of the door as they were standing guard. Haru and Jun, their lifelong friends, had laughed at theme before falling asleep.

Only Jane remained awake and looked at them with her tender eyes. She never thought she could appreciate the people of the blue sea, who had introduced themselves to her as Marine soldiers, so much. Yet, she loved them now like her own family. She readjusted Jorge's headband, which was falling over his forehead, and walked slowly to the bow of the ship. There she found the Red Lion, his child nestled in his arms. Ever since they had been reunited, ever since the father had saved the son from the horde of monsters that was coming for him, they had stayed together. They had spoken very little, and according to Kegaro, this was a normal thing for them. But the father had insisted on one thing before diving into a tender, silent family embrace : "We will never let anyone separate us again."

Farther out on the deck, the Freaks had gathered. They had asked for permission, which Jane had not spontaneously given them : "Where do you think you are ? she had cried with annoyance. This is not a hospice, we can't offer shelter to everyone !" But when she had seen Jorge and Haru surprised by her ruthless pirate temperament, she had changed her mind and, with a scowl, had invited them on board. Now they were all sleeping, in the strangest positions. They were so used to their cramped cages that they had forgotten how to stretch out their bodies. Rosa, the raising star, was not letting go of her beloved one. They remained stuck against each other, like the two parts of a broken medallion. Sometimes, she was glancing at Hataro to check that he was alright. And when she was seeing the child's smile, in his father arms, she was closing her eyes and nestling against her lover, relieved. Everything was calm.

However, a rustle startled the former Warlord. She quickly checked the air, but nothing was to be noticed. Where could it have come from ? When the noise echoed again, like the slithering of a reptile in the shadows, she knew something was hiding in the hold. She hesitated for a moment to wake the crew up but, certain that she could get rid of any threat, hurried down there. The hold was dark, murky, but the glow of her torch was already illuminating the damp wooden walls. A shadow slid to her left and she rushed to the crates of stored victuals, ready to neutralize the intruder.

- Please, don't hurt us !

The surprise was so great that she nearly dropped her torch.

There, in the shadow of the cargo, a dozen children was hiding. Thin and livid, they were dressed in gray and white, their hats pointing to their heads like dunce caps.

- What are you doing here ? Come on, get out !

They exchanged a worried look.

- We... We are friends of the two ladies. Can we talk to them ?

"The ladies" ? Did they mean Haru and Jun ?

- I don't know who you are talking about. Your parents must be looking for you, they...

Seeing the looks they were sadly exchanging, she paused.

- Where are your parents ?

The taller boy shrugged.

- We don't have any.

- We don't have any anymore, a little girl with long blond hair corrected.

Jane questioned them with her eyes.

- The other children found their parents, but not us. We've been looking for them all day, but we can't find out where they are... But all the park employees were released when the clowns were beaten. So they must be...

He didn't finish his sentence. His little eyes were fixed on his holed shoes. Jane thought to those who had lost their lives when Harlequin had went on rampage. How many of those victims had children ? She sighed loudly and knelt down beside them.

- Come on, kids. I'll give you something to eat !


The lost children ate everything Jane gave them. How long had they been starved by their master ? They were nothing more than his slaves. And now that they were not anymore, what were they ? They had no home, no parents. They had nothing left. Jane wished she could have taken them all with her. She knew that Haru would too, so sensitive was the young woman to their cause. However, this was not possible : the place of children was not on the ship of outlaws, of that Lola could testify... Arthur would refuse to let these innocent souls run the risk, there was no doubt about that. There was Hataro, but he was his father's responsibility, a burden the crew was too young to bear. As she watched them pour out their hunger, her head in her arms, she sighed with sadness.

- What are we going to do with you ?

And as they were giving her a gentle, almost pleading look, the kitchen door opened. Lonny "Long-Long" was standing there, resting against its frame.

- I think I know how to work it out ! 

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now