CHAPTER XXXII - The thirteenth sign

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When Jorge crossed the threshold of Gemini's room, out of breath and sweating, he discovered Jun, crying over Soles' body.

- No... No, not you ! she shouted.

- Damn, he whispered, what happened here?

Jun jumped to her feet and grabbed her friend by the shoulders :

- Jorge, we have to go upstairs, I have to know. I must find her.

- Yes, let's do it ! confirmed Jorge. The fortress caught fire, we can't go back down without being asphyxiated. I just need to leave this guy somewhere where he won't burn...

- Hide him behind a shelf, Jun urged him. It'll be a while before the fire reaches this room, the heat will probably wake them up. For now, I need you to help me carry Igana and Soles and get us out of here.

Seeing Jun, Daisy seemed to regain its strength and rubbed its head against her.

- What is Haru's pet doing here ? she asked. Why is it with you ?

- Later, simply answered Jorge while dragging the enormous Aries on the wooden floor. I am going to take these two on my back, and we leave the camp !

With that being said, he turned into his bear form, and Jun helped him hoist the two victims onto his rump. They pushed open the second wooden door and ran up the stairs again.

- Where's Emmy ? Is she the one who did this ? he asked breathlessly.

- We have to find her at all costs ! Jun answered, as Cancer's room was now in sight.

They stopped for a moment in front of it, looked at each other in silence, and Jun drew two of her knives out.

- From now on, I'll take care of it.

- Jun, are you sure that...

- I'm telling you I know what I'm doing ! she declared as she pushed open the heavy door.

The room was in darkness, and only a few candles burned here and there, like drops of fire lost in a black sky. Long tables, covered with materials, ores and weapons, were set up all along. Behind one of them, at the back of the room, a silhouette could be seen.

Jun and Jorge approached, on the alert. Emmy, trembling with a blade in her hand, was facing them :

- No ! Please ! she sobbed.

Jun knelt down in front of her and looked her straight in the eyes for several seconds. Then, very delicately, she seized the blade that the young woman was holding with her two trembling hands and put it on the ground.

- It is over, she simply said.

Jorge gently placed their two wounded friends on the ground, and approached the young woman :

- Emmy, listen... We just want to understand, right ? This is a ... Argh !

The end of his sentence was drowned out by a beastly scream, as he collapsed to the ground, a blade stuck in his back. Jun turned around, ready to face a new threat, her weapons already drawn.

- You could have continued to play dead, you know ? said the young woman. It only took me a few minutes to figure out what was going on, Soles. Once the surprise is over, it's mostly the disappointment that hurts.

The young man let out a small laugh as he gently wiped his glasses. At his side, Jorge howled with pain.

- It looks like I'm discovered... I won't be needing these anymore then, he said, throwing off his fake glasses. Recognize that my plan was ingenious. Get rid of Igana, smear myself with fake blood and make this little idiot take the blame. She was such a coward, it didn't take her two seconds to run away from me. Right, Emmy ?

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now