CHAPTER CXIX - Hataro and the dancing clown

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The shackles that young Hataro was wearing on his wrists were much too heavy for him, so that his arms were hanging like the pendulum of a deranged clock. He wanted to scream, to kill the filthy man who was taking him away from his father, but he was only a child : helpless and frustrated, he could not even hold back the big tears that were flowing from his eyes. But even though it terrified him, an idea began to form in his mind : he wasn't as helpless as he seemed. He thought about the devil that was living inside him and, seeing the soldiers around, wondered how he could free himself.

- Don't even try, the fat man with the gloved hands hissed. Your handcuffs are made of sea stone, you won't get anywhere as long as they restrain you. Besides, I'm surprised you haven't collapsed yet, with all the energy they're draining from you. I guess it's true, what they say about your kind of savages : you are real monsters !

Hataro's blood ran cold and he couldn't help but rage at the horrible man who despised him.

- Don't you dare, miscreant ! I am Hataro, son of Kegaro the Red Lion and future chief of the Powathi tribe. One day I will inherit my father's Garra and his mask. When that happens, I will come back and I will... Ouch !

Thrown to the ground by the vice-admiral's strength, he was immediately immobilized by the latter's enormous hand. The breath of the officer was stinking cigar and whisky, the fuzz on his upper lip was soaking with sweat. His tiny fox eyes were full of fury.

- If you are still alive, you will perhaps come back to take revenge ! he whispered with a twisted smile. But on that day, believe me, I'll be waiting for you and I'll enjoy reducing you to nothing, kid. But you still have to live long enough for that to happen.

With a movement of his finger, he forced his young prisoner to his feet and dragged him towards his office.

- For the time being, I prefer to keep you alive. It seems someone is willing to buy you for a good price.

They arrived in front of his room and Bang dismissed his guard. Then, with his big hand, he pushed the door open and invited Hataro to enter.

The office was empty. The windows were giving enough light to see every corner of it, from the desk to the floor, but Hataro couldn't see the buyer in question. Then, he heard a slight whistle. A lively music he did not recognize.

- Hello there, my child.

A gigantic clown was standing upside down, his feet hanging from the ceiling like a colorful lamp. With a wave of his hand he greeted Hataro, whistling with his red-smeared mouth.

As soon as he saw him, the child let out a cry of panic and fell down.

- Why are you afraid, my little friend ? I am just a very nice clown ! he whistled with a smile that revealed all his sharp teeth.

The jester, much bigger than he looked, spread his long arms like a primate to help the child up. Then, as Bang was entering the office, grumbling, he reached down from the ceiling where he was perched and pulled a handful of candy from his pocket.

- Some treats ? he huffed, holding out his hand to Hataro. No trick, I promise !

The child noticed that his black and red eyes diverged completely. As nausea was rising in his belly, he declined the offer.

- You should ! These are the best.

The clown's lips twisted into a gigantic smile and he swallowed all the candies at once, with their shiny wrappers. The vice-admiral sat down at his desk with a huff and wiped a small drop of sweat from his forehead. He was usually the master of this sacred space. This was his office, his base. He had a strong urge to lecture this clown, to ask him to behave properly and stop acting strangely. But the words were stuck in his throat. In fact, he was absolutely terrified by this strange being.

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