CHAPTER CXX - The crowned dragon

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As night was falling, the builders and carpenters abandoned their work site. They put down their hammers, trowels and saws and left the building until the next day. The main tower of Marineford, pulverized by the attack a few weeks earlier, was rebuilt stone by stone to regain its impressive structure. But for the time, it was plunged into silence. At headquarters, the excitement was elsewhere.

In the North Tower, where the staff was housed until the main tower was rebuilt, laughter and voices were echoing against the stone walls. Great lords, high ranking Marine officers, press moguls... All of them were crowding to see the show. The birth of a new legend, the ascent of the Black Dragon.

The ceremony had taken place on the great esplanade of Marineford, before thousands of attentive and dazzled eyes. Edward was standing, noble and proud as a fearless knight, before the respected Council of Five Elders. His long, ashen-blue locks were thrown back, the torches light was revealing the perfect shape of his face and making his eyes shine. In the assembly, not a single spectator, whether man, woman or child, was unmoved by this man. Many had envy, others admired him, some even worshipped the new God.

With impeccable seriousness, he had recited his vows in a strong, clear and solemn voice. Then, with the grace and strength of a gesture repeated many times, a medal was hung on his robe. A medal of pure gold, as brilliant and sublime as this young man adored by all. He had turned around to face the assembly and in the swirl of his cloak had shouted with amusement :

- All I miss is a crown !

The cheering crowd had laughed and the ceremony continued. Not for the people of Marineford, who were returning to their kennels now that night had fallen, but for the distinguished guests who had gathered inside.

The rarest foods were served to the guests, accompanied by the most expensive alcohols. Musicians had been paid, but no one was listening to them. All attention was focused on the new fleet admiral, whose brilliance attracted admirers.

The invited journalists were keeping low profile. Surrounded by officers and nobles, they did not dare to be noticed. Some tried to ask a guest a question, but never dared to approach the Dragon. His aura alone was shaking the most experienced ones, who looked like children in front of him.

Young McLadden, who had been reporter for the New World newspaper for a few months only, could feel his trembling hands sweating on his small notebook.

- What a shame we can't approach him... he whispered to his photographer, hiding beside him in the shadows of the room.

- I know, he replied. But what do you want to do ? The fleet admiral is too busy, it is impossible to approach him when he is so much the center of attention. Let's take a few pictures, a couple of guest interviews, and the editor will be very happy.

But McLadden was an ambitious young reporter. He glanced at his counterparts and, seeing them shaking like helpless children, decided to act. When a waitress came over and offered him a drink, the idea sprang to mind.

- A cocktail ? What a good idea ! Why shouldn't I take two ? he smiled, snatching the tray from her hands.

- But... What are you doing ? cried his photographer as he saw him drinking the glasses one by one, straight down.

- Alcohol has great powers, old man. The cowards who are hiding back there all have a stick up their ass. But this Edward is just a man like you and me. If the alcohol frees my mind, I won't be embarrassed to go and talk to him !

After the sixth glass, he turned green, then red, like an apple ripening on the tree. Then, staggering, he walked to the center of the room, jostling the guests.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now