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After a few minutes of flight, the ship lurched, caught in uncontrollable jolts. It was pitching from left to right, its large sails shaken by a wind that was less and less stable : Jane was weakening. As she struggled to keep it aloft from the center of the deck, her face as closed as an iron door, she staggered for a few moments and then collapsed into Haru's arms, exhausted. Her fight with Leroy and the deployment of her secret technique had drained her last bits of energy, she was now unable to move. Her large eyes were closed and her deep breath seemed almost serene. And while everyone was worried about her condition, the ship furious jolts drew them back to reality : the whirling of the great propellers became weaker and weaker, and the wind in the sail calmed down. Then, the ship began its descent. A furious descent, in free fall, like that of a stone dropped in the air.

- We're going to crash ! cried Jun, gripping the mast with all her strength. From this height, no matter where we fall, we'll be pulverized !

Suddenly, Haru's expression turned dark. She had to speak very loudly to cover Jorge's terrified screams.

- Look ! she shouted, pointing to the clouds that were dissipating beneath them. We are going to land on an island. The impact with the earth will reduce us to pieces !

From everywhere, panic seemed to emanate. The Powathis were clinging to the rail with all their strength, Zell was preparing for the shock, Jorge was screaming to death. There was nothing to do : the impact was imminent, they had no time to react.

The earth was getting closer and closer.

Already, they could make out the green ground.

Haru, her face beaten by the wind, managed to open an eye and could not hide her surprise.

- What... ?! she stammered just before the shock.

Then, with the strangest "booing", the falling ship hit the surface and bounced off it like on a trampoline. Everyone collapsed to the floor, rolling against the rail, and then the ship slid from the top of the surface into the sea. When they felt the waves hitting the hull again, Zell and Jorge gasped with relief.

- I don't think I've ever been so happy to feel the swell ! sighed the helmsman, wiping the sweat from his forehead. We almost had... A monster !

The shrill cry had escaped from his torn throat as soon as he had seen the big eye that was looking at him. As he was throwing himself into the cabin to hide, Haru burst out laughing. A gigantic animal was sticking its big head out of the water, making their ship look like a tiny boat.

- This is a Jelly Greasy Buri, Haru explained, a New World fish known for its gigantic size and rubbery skin. The largest specimens even exceed the size of some islands. How lucky we were to fall on one of them ! Look at that beautiful green color !

And while she was waving at the fish, which was looking at her with his big black eye, Jorge approached very slowly.

- And... what does this damn beast eat ? he whispered in his friend's ear.

- Do not worry, it is completely vegetarian ! It only eats algae from the depths. Didn't you listen any biology lesson at the Marine academy ? The knowledge of this world's beings is essential to our survival !

And as the Buri was sinking into the dark waters of the New World, the ship went on its way. The survivors had to find a place to hide, safe from their pursuers.


Jane felt the headache hit her skull before she even opened her eyes. She didn't know how long she had slept, but it had seem like an eternity. Yet she was still tired. She tried to get up, but her body refused to, as if every one of her injured limbs disagreed with the suggestion. So she laid there on her bed until Haru came to change her bandages and make her drink.

MARINES - A ONE PIECE story (ENGLISH) - Part IWhere stories live. Discover now