CHAPTER LXIX - The warlords

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- A tournament ?! cried the five members of team A, a cry full of surprise, excitement and panic.

- Yep, Myr simply replied with his natural composure.

Questions had been asked from the very moment his students had run into the members of team B : why were they here ? Was team C here too ? Had they been promoted ? To put an end to these questions, Myr decided to tell his students the news : a tournament would be held in the next few days, pitting the recruits of all three teams against each other. There were sixteen of them in total, and they would compete in a friendly way, for three days, under the eyes of world top brass : Government leaders, high ranked Marine officers and even the five great vice-admirals. As soon as the announcement was made, Jorge began to tremble.

- All these people will see us in the arena ? What a chance ! But at the same time, what a stress !

- Indeed, commented Myr. In fact, they will all be there to admire your progress, and see if this program is really useful. This friendly tournament will allow us to evaluate you : you are the Marine future and you represent me, so you better shine !

Arthur was ready to fight, brimming with motivation : among the sixteen recruits was Hector, his rival since the first day, whom he had sworn to surpass each time they met. The young soldier had helped him in his fight against the pirate Helio, Zodiac captain, and his abilities were undeniably great. He owed them to a devil fruit, a Zoan type according to him. Arthur had only caught a glimpse of his transformation, but it was simply terrifying.

- And when were you going to tell us about this tournament ? Haru asked diplomatically, although her annoyance could be felt.

- Well... D-Day ! Myr laughed. You wouldn't have stressed this way, right ? Anyway, it doesn't make much difference... The tournament starts in four days.


The five members of team A had their own ways of killing time as the event was approaching : Arthur and Zell practiced together in the backyard, and Arthur was able to watch the progress of his best friend, who was now standing up to him. Haru went into deep meditation to strengthen her haki. Jun joined the kitchen team temporarily and took over the work of all her colleagues with exemplary efficiency. Jorge, on the other hand, decided to train on his own : he had never progressed as much as during these six months, and was determined to prove his evolution to Myr.

Most of the guests were already present in Marineford, especially the Marine high ranked members. However, some were still slow to appear, arousing the curiosity of all : the Warlords of the Sea.

Arthur knew many rumors about them but had never had the opportunity to meet any. These former pirates, known for their power and influence, had been pardoned in exchange of a pact with the World Government, which they were now working with.

Two days before the tournament, Myr called his students to join him in the heights of Marineford, where there was an unobstructed view of the entire bay. He was right to call them, as an unusual sight was unfolding before their young eyes : the Warlords were successively dropping anchor in the harbor.


The first ship arrived late in the afternoon. It was of reasonable size but armed with what appeared to be overpowered cannons. In its center, on the deck, a gigantic fighting arena was dug out. A young woman with skin as black as the night and short hair as blue as the sky descended from it, accompanied by a whole delegation. She advanced on the bay with obvious disdain, the passers-by moving aside as her long yellow cape floated over the paved plaza.

- This is Muay Tina, captain of the Fighting Club. A formidable one-on-one fighter, she is considered the best martial artist in the world, Myr commented.

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